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Error Messages of the Database Manager Program


ERR_NOEBIDLIST: no information on external backup IDs available


ERR_EBFDIRTY: invalid format of external backup history




ERR_DBAUNKNOWN - DOMAIN password unknown


ERR_PARAMVER - wrong version of param help file (cserv.pcf) <version>


ERR_INVDBNAME - database name <dbname> is reserved


ERR_WRONGINST - DBM Server instroot is <instroot>


ERR_SERVICEDB - cannot register service kernel for <instroot>


ERR_KEYEXISTS - installation key <key> exists


ERR_NOADDD - configuration update not allowed (param file is inactive)


ERR_MAXVOLCNT - max volume count exceeded


ERR_MAXDATA - max data size exceeded


ERR_MISSMIRR - missing data for mirror devspace


ERR_CLEANUP: cannot free all operational resources after backup operation


ERR_BACKUPOP: backup operation was unsuccessful


ERR_POSTOP: error while finishing backup operation


ERR_OPCHK: cannot check state of backup operation


ERR_TOOLREQ: error while starting external backup tool


ERR_DBREQ: cannot start database kernel request


ERR_PREPARE: preparation of backup operation failed


ERR_MEDIUMCHK: medium cannot be used with this external backup tool


ERR_TOOLCHK: external backup tool not found


ERR_NOREPLY - no reply available


ERR_USRFRM - invalid user record format


ERR_XPVALUESET - parameter value not in valueset


ERR_XPMAX - parameter value higher than maximum allowed


ERR_XPMIN - parameter value smaller than minimum allowed


ERR_NOSERVICESESSION - no service kernel session available


ERR_VERSION - incompatible versions (param and kernel)


ERR_NOUSERS - no users found


ERR_DBNORUN - database is not running


ERR_MISSRIGHT - no server rights for this command


ERR_NOENTRY - no entry found


ERR_LASTREG - cannot delete last registration of instance


ERR_NEEDSYSLOGON - system logon required


ERR_NEEDLOGON - DBM server logon required


ERR_USRDELSDBA - cannot delete sysdba


ERR_USRDELDBM - cannot delete DBM user


ERR_USRDELSELF - cannot delete current user


ERR_TOFEWPARAM - too few parameters


ERR_TOMANYPARAM - too many parameters


ERR_DBNAME - do not use dbname


ERR_NODBNAME - database name required


ERR_USREXISTS - user entry already exists


ERR_USRFAIL - user authorization failed


ERR_USRREAD - could not read user data


ERR_USRSAVE - could not save user data


ERR_DBEXIST - database instance already exists


ERR_BANOAUTOMED - no autolog medium found in media list


ERR_BANOSAVETYPE - backup type not defined


ERR_BASAVETYPECON – backup type conflicts with media definition


ERR_NOUSER – required user not set


ERR_BAOVERWRITE - file already exists, cannot overwrite


ERR_XPOVERFLOW - value out of margin


ERR_DBRUN – database is running


ERR_STATE – cannot determine current db state


ERR_VOLTYPE - wrong volume type


ERR_VOLCHECK - error while checking volume


ERR_EXECUTE – error in program execution


ERR_SYSLOGON – logon to system failed


ERR_LOGON – logon to DBM Server failed


ERR_SYSTEM – system call error


ERR_XPREADONLY – parameter is read only


ERR_XPDIRTY – param file is dirty


ERR_XPNOMODIFY –parameter must not be modified


ERR_XPNOCHECK - no running parameter check


ERR_XPINVCONF – invalid value


ERR_XPCHECK – param check failure/request


ERR_XPSESSION – param session active


ERR_NOXPSESSION – param session inactive


ERR_PARAMEXIST – param file of database already exists


ERR_COMMAND - unknown command <command>


ERR_XPSYNTAX – xparam syntax error


ERR_XPNOTFOUND – parameter not found


ERR_NOHELP - xparam help file not found


ERR_HIENTRYNOTFOUND – backup history entry not found


ERR_ERR_NOHISTORY - backup history file not found


ERR_BANOVALIDTYPE - invalid backup type


ERR_MENOVALID - invalid medium definition


ERR_MENOTFOUND – medium not found


ERR_NOMEDIA - media file not found


ERR_TOSMALL – packet size too small for answer


ERR_SQL – SQL error


ERR_NOHISTORYSESSION – no backup history session available


ERR_ NOBACKUPSESSION – no backup session available


ERR_RTEEXT – runtime environment error


ERR_RTE – runtime environment error


ERR_MEM – memory allocation error


ERR_PARAM – wrong parameters


ERR_FILE – file handling error


ERR_NOTIMPL – sorry, command not yet implemented


ERR – common error



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