You can use the Database Alert Monitor to identify memory problems in good time, to check the security of your database system, and to monitor performance.
If data collection methods are periodically scheduled, alerts are automatically updated, and forwarded to the monitoring tree. Analysis methods deliver additional information about the alert statuses, and auto-reaction methods can be configured for automatic reactions to new alerts.
You can use the following start options:
Alert Monitor
For the SAP MaxDB database instance that is the basis of the current SAP Web AS system: In the Database Assistant, choose (Alert Monitor).
For all other SAP MaxDB databases: In the database assistant, choose
.The Alert Monitoring is activated and the database connection has been added to the Database Alert Monitor.
CCMS Monitoring
If the Alert Monitoring is not activated (for example, when accessing the Database Alert Monitor in the Database Assistant), you should activate the Alert Monitor and add the database connection to the Database Alert Monitor (see below: Managing Database Connections in the Database Alert Monitor).
For the SAP MaxDB database instance that is the basis of the current SAP Web AS system: In CCMS Monitoring, choose .
For all other SAP MaxDB databases: In CCMS Monitoring, choose
.DBA Cockpit
In the DBA Cockpit (transaction DBACOCKPIT), choose
.If necessary, update the display for the Database Alert Monitor tree. To do this, choose Refresh and Invalidate Data Cache in the Database Alert Monitor.
Expand the desired Database Alert Monitor.
Every monitored element of the database instance is displayed as part of a hierarchy tree (monitoring tree) and described as a monitoring tree element (MTE), or node. Online help (short and long texts) gives you the most important information about each node.
You can choose from the following displays for each database node in the monitoring tree:
Green displays mean that the database state is OK. The administrator does not need to intervene.
Yellow or red displays mean that this state puts production operation of the database at risk. The administrator must take measures to find and eliminate the cause of the alert.
Data collectors usually collect data for more than one node. You can see an overview of the data collectors in the appropriate internal subtree. For information on the frequency of the data collections, see the long text for each node.
You can start the analysis methods of a node through the node itself (for example, by double-clicking it).
Calling up the Database Alert Monitor using the Database Assistant user menu usually activates the Alert Monitoring and the database connection is added to the Database Alert Monitor Tree.
It may be necessary to update the Database Alert Monitor display. To do this, choose Refresh and Invalidate Data Cache in the Database Alert Monitor.
In some special cases you may choose or have to administer the database connection in the Database Alert Monitor manually. In these cases you can use the report RSLVCALMON.
Run the report RSLVCALMON.
Start the ABAP Editor (transaction SE38).
Enter the name of the database connection.
As an alternative to starting the report, you can also start the central instance.
The Database Alert Monitor is started and the database connection is added. It may be necessary to update the Database Alert Monitor display. To do this, choose Refresh and Invalidate Data Cache in the Database Alert Monitor.
Run the report RSLVCALMDEL.
Start the ABAP Editor (transaction SE38).
Enter the name RSLVCALMDEL.
Enter the name of the database connection.
DBA Cockpit: SAP MaxDB, Alerts
General information about the Alert Monitor
Executing Performance Analysis in CCMS
Database Administration, Monitoring Databases
Database Administration, Troubleshooting