Procedure documentationCreating Databases Locate this document in the navigation structure


Note Note

For stand-alone systems, that is for SAP MaxDB database systems which are not part of an SAP system, you can also use Installation Manager to create databases.

For more information about Installation Manager , see: Glossary, Installation

End of the note.


  • You are logged on to the computer on which you want to create the database as an operating system user.

  • Depending on your operating system and system configuration, you might have to be logged on as a special operating system user.

    More information: Database Administration, Special Operating System Users and User Groups

  • To create a database on a remote computer, the X Server must be running on the remote computer.

    If the database software has been installed on Microsoft Windows, the system sets the Startup Type for the X Server to Automatic so that it is started automatically when the computer is started.

    For Unix/Linux systems, you have to manually start the X Server of the remote database computer to be able to manage a database on this computer. More information: X Server, Starting the X Server

  • To create a database on a remote computer that uses Microsoft Windows, you must have administration rights for the remote computer as well as log on as batch job authorization.

    More information: Operating System Documentation


  1. In the context menu of Servers, choose Create Database...

  2. Enter the following data:



    Database Server

    Name or IP address of the computer on which you want to create the database

    To create the database on the local computer, leave the field blank or enter <Local>.

    Database Name

    More information: Database Administration, Conventions for Database Names

    Login Name

    Only necessary if you create the database on a remote computer

    Name of the operating system user on the remote computer


    Only necessary if you create the database on a remote computer

    Password of the operating system user on the remote computer

  3. Enter the following data:



    User Name

    Name of the database system administrator

    The system administrator is the user with the most extensive database authorizations.

    More information: Database Administration, Database System Administrator


    Password of the database system administrator

    More information: Database Administration, Conventions for User Names and Passwords


    Version and path of the software you want to use to create the database

  4. You use database parameters to configure important database properties. You can now change the default values of some of these database parameters.


    Database Parameters


    Memory Cache Size


    Memory size used by the database

    Max. User Tasks


    Maximum number of user tasks (number of database users that can be concurrently logged on to the database)

    Max. SQL Locks


    Maximum number of SQL locks

    Run Directory Path


    Path of the database Working Directory

    More information: Database Administration, General Database Parameters

  5. The system saves the database data and log entries in the volumes. You can now change the default values for the properties of the first data volume and the first log volume.

    Volumes: Properties




    Minimum size: 1000 pages or 8000 KB


    Device/path and file name


    Type of physical memory

    • FILE (F)

      A volume can be a part of a physical hard disk, a complete physical hard disk, or a storage system consisting of several storage units.

      Can be used on all operating systems

    • LINK (L)

      Can only be used on Unix and Linux

    • RAW (R)

      Raw device

      Can only be used on Unix and Linux

    More information: Concepts of the Database System, Volumes (Permanent Storage)

  6. Define additional database properties.



    Load tutorial data

    More information: Concepts of the Database System, Demo Database

    Activate overwrite mode for the log area

    More information: Glossary, Overwrite Mode for the Log Area

    Automatic log backup:

    • Initial complete data backup

    • Log backup

    If automatic log backup is on, then the database system automatically backs up the redo log entries to backup files.

    • File name and complete path to the data carrier for the initial data backup

    • File name and complete path to the data carrier for log backups

    More information: Database Administration, Backing Up Log Entries

  7. Check the selected settings.

  8. To create the database, choose Start.