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Process documentation Restoring the Database Instance Locate the document in the library structure


After a breakdown or errors, you can restore a database instance or revert it to an earlier state by importing data backups and log backups from data carriers.


     You have the data and log backups for the database instance. See Backing Up Data und Backing Up Log Entries.

     Only for Microsoft Windows: If you want to restore the database instance using backups from data carriers on a remote computer, carry out the steps described in Backing Up and Restoring Data with Remote Computers.

     Initially, the database system attempts to import redo log entries still present in the log area when it does the restoring. To prevent this and force the deletion of all redo log entries in the log area, initialize the log area before the restore.

See Database Manager GUI, Structure linkRestoring After Initializing a Database Instance and Database Manager CLI, Structure linkdb_activate RECOVER.

Process Flow

You use the Database Manager for restoring.


       1.      You import a complete data backup.


     Database Manager GUI, Structure linkRestoring

     Database Manager CLI, Structure linkBacking Up and Restoring Database Instances

       2.      If necessary, import incremental data backups and log backups as well.

       3.      If necessary, restore any damaged indexes.


     Database Manager GUI, Structure linkRestoring Indexes After Database Restore

     Database Manager CLI, Structure linksql_recreateindex

     Database Administration in CCMS: MaxDB, Structure linkIndex Analysis

     Database Administration in CCMS: SAP liveCache Technology, Structure linkBad Indexes

See also:

Backing Up and Restoring

Example: Backing Up and Restoring

Database Administration Tutorial, Structure linkRestoring the Database Instance


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