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Procedure documentation Background Installations/Updates on UNIX Locate the document in the library structure


You use the SDBINST program to install/update component groups, installation profiles or individual components of the database software on the UNIX operating system. You specify all required information on the command line, along with the command for starting the installation program.


If you want to update an existing database software installation, the procedure varies depending on whether your source version is 7.5.00 or higher, or lower than 7.5.00.

If your source version is lower than 7.5.00, then you must stop the Structure linkX Server and all database instances before the installation or update. Remember that this interrupts communication between the clients and all local database instances. If your source version is 7.5.00 or higher, then the X Server software supports an update of the database software while X Server is running. In such cases, it is not necessary to stop the X Server and all the database instances. However, you do need to stop those database instances assigned to the installation directory being updated.


     You are logged on as the root user on your computer.

You have unpacked the required software (Unpacking the Software on UNIX).


If the following conditions apply to your system, you must perform the steps described before a new installation:

     The installation program enters the services sql6, sql30 and sapdbni72 in the file /etc/services, if they do not already exist there. If these services are managed centrally for your system on the network (NIS), you must enter them there as follows:
sql6      7210/tcp
sql30     7200/tcp
sapdbni72 7269/tcp

     During the installation, the database software must be assigned to a special operating system user (<sdb_user>), who is the owner of the software, and to the group (<sdba_group>). We recommend that you define the group and the owner in advance. Only users with appropriate authorizations can generate database instances later (see also Concepts of the Database System, Structure linkUNIX: Special Operating System Users and Groups (UNIX/Linux) for software versions 7.5.00 and higher).

     If the <independent_program_path>/bin path is not yet entered in the PATH environment variable, enter it now.



       1.      If you want to update an existing database software installation:

     If necessary, use the following command to stop each database instance assigned to the installation directory you want to update:
dbmcli –d <database_name> -u <dbm_operator>,<dbm_operator_password> db_offline

     If necessary, use the following command to stop the X Server program (vserver process):
x_server stop

For a new installation, start with step 2.

       2.      Start the installation/update process for the OLTP software with the following command:
./SDBINST [-b | --batch] -component_group <component_group> | -profile <inst profile>[,<inst_profile2>...] | -package <package_name>[,<package_name2...>] -indep_data <independent_data_path> - indep_prog <independent_program_path> -depend <dependent_path> [-archive_dir <directory>] [-o <sdb_user> -g <sdba_group>]

For the SAP liveCache software, start the installation/update process (in SAP APO systems only) with the following command:

     For the APO liveCache installation profile:
./SDBINST [-b] -profile "APO LiveCache" -indep_data <independent_data_path> -indep_prog <independent_program_path> -depend <dependent_path> [-o <sdb_user> -g <sdba_group>]

     For the APO LC APPS software component:
./SDBINST [-b] -package "APO LC APPS" -depend <dependent_path>


You only need to specify the special operating system user <sdb_user> and the group <sdba_group> if you are installing the software for the first time, or if you are upgrading from a software version < 7.5.00.

For an explanation of the options, see Overview of the Options for the SDBINST Program.

You must place any names of installation profiles or software components that contain blanks in double quotation marks.

For certain installation profiles or software components, you do not need to specify the options –indep_prog, -indep_data, or –depend. If you do specify these options, the system ignores them. See the overview of options for more information.

You will receive a message informing you that the installation was successful.


The software packages have been installed and registered. You can check the result of your installation in the log.

You can now create database instances using the Installation Manager, the Database Manager CLI or the Database Manager GUI.

See also:


Creating a Database Instance Afterwards

Database Manager CLI, Structure linkdb_create

Database Manager GUI, Structure linkCreating a Database Instance


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