Inheritance diagram for SQLDBC::SQLDBC_RowSet:
An SQLDBC_RowSet class for representing a SQLDBC row set.
A SQLDBC row set is a window on a result set.
The size of the row set is determined by the setRowSetSize() method of the SQLDBC_ResultSet object. The method fetch retrieves the rows from the SQLDBC_RowSet object into the bound columns. The getObject() method retrieves one column from the current row into the given buffer. The setPos() method moves the cursor within the row set.
Definition at line 1029 of file SQLDBC.h.
Deletes the error has been stored.
Deletes the warning stored in the SQLWarning object.
Returns a reference to the ErrorHndl object.
Writes the retrieved data to the bound columns.
Retrieves and converts the value with an start offset in of the specified column from a of the current row to a buffer. The specified column value in the current row of this SQLDBC_RowSet object is converted to the given length and SQLDBC_HostType and written to the output parameter buffer pointed to paramAddr. It can be called multiple times to retrieve character or binary data in parts. For fixed-length datatypes getObject retrieves the same data multiple times. Mixing variable-length datatypes and fixed-length datatypes may produce unexpected results. The current row may be set by a positioning command from SQLDBC_ResultSet (current row = 1) or by the setPos method of the SQLDBC_RowSet object.
Retrieves and converts the value of the specified column of the current row to a buffer. The specified column value in the current row of this SQLDBC_RowSet object is converted to the given length and SQLDBC_HostType and written to the output parameter buffer pointed to paramAddr. It can be called multiple times to retrieve character or binary data in parts. For fixed-length datatypes getObject retrieves the same data multiple times. Mixing variable-length datatypes and fixed-length datatypes may produce unexpected results. The current row may be set by a positioning command from SQLDBC_ResultSet (current row = 1) or by the setPos method of the SQLDBC_RowSet object.
Returns the number of rows written to the bound parameters.
Returns the row status array for the last fetch call. The row status array describes the state of each row. The maximum size of the row status array is given by the setRowSetSize(). The row status array is filled during the fetch() call. The return code of the first row matches to the first member of the row status array.
Sets the cursor to row pos in the SQLDBC_RowSet.
Returns a reference to an SQLWarning object stored in the SQLDBC_ConnectionItem object.