In the Space user menu of the DBA Cockpit, you can find, among other things, comprehensive display and administration options for the data area.
Open the DBA Cockpit (transaction DBACOCKPIT) and select .
The display contains the following information and administration options:
Display / Configuration of data volumes
Total size of the data area in the unit of measurement that you specified and other configuration information
Show/hide utilization details
You can show or hide the following details about the utilization of the data area:
Occupiable Area, Occupied Area (Actually Occupied Space in Data Area), Free Area
Permanently occupied area (SQL data; for SAP liveCache technology, also OMS data and references to undo log entries)
Temporarily occupied area (for SAP liveCache technology, this also includes, for example, data that belongs to consistent views and was displaced from the OMS heap)
Size of an incremental backup (specifies how many pages an incremental data backup would consist of at this point in time)
Shadow area
Show/hide data volumes
You can show or hide the following displays and change options for the data volumes:
Display of data volumes (size, type, device/path and file name, occupation and access information and so on)
Add, change or delete data volumes
Select Add Volume/Change Volume/Delete Volume and enter the required information where prompted. Creating a new volume might take some time, as the new volume has to be formatted.
Database/liveCache Alert Monitor, Data Area
Glossary, Consistent View, OMS, OMS Heap