The Database Analyzer user menu of the DBA Cockpit contains, among other things, a Load History. You can view the logs of the monitor classes (analysis areas) and manage the performance data.
Open the DBA Cockpit (transaction code DBACOCKPIT) and select .
It is also possible to go into the load history from the Bottlenecks user menu via .
The Database Analyzer logs (DBAN.prt, DBAN_<Monitorklasse>.csv) can be displayed in the load history by day. Select the desired day and expand the display. You can open the logs for further analysis by double-clicking.
If you would like to view the collected performance data (aggregated data), expand the desired performance data in the Load History.
Double-clicking within an aggregation level (daily aggregates, weekly aggregates, monthly aggregates, quarterly aggregates) takes you to the display of the corresponding Database Analyzer file, classified according to monitor classes and time periods. You can also reach the overview of the respective daily aggregates for the period from the weekly, monthly and quarterly aggregates.
If you want to store the aggregated performance data locally, choose
. Choose an appropriate subdirectory on your local computer and start the procedure. The data is stored in the analyzer subdirectory.Choose
in the Load History. You can execute the following administration activities automatically or manually:Transferring the log files from the Database Analyzer to the database
Deleting the log files from the Database Analyzer
Collecting (aggregating) performance data from the Database Analyzer
See also: Managing Performance Data
Database Analyzer, Database Analyzer Log Files