You can automate the backups for SAP liveCache technology (complete or incremental data backup, log backup) using SAP background processing.
The user has been assigned a role in accordance with the authorization concept: SAP_BC_LVC_OPERATOR, SAP_BC_LVC_ADMINISTRATOR, SAP_BC_LVC_SUPERUSER.
You have defined a backup template for the backup type that you want to perform (Backup Templates).
You have integrated the SAP liveCache database into the SAP system using Integration.
Schedule the report RSLVCBACKUP with the variant for background execution (SAP recommendation) or execute this report directly using the ABAP Editor (transaction SE38).
Create the variants for the desired backup types.
Open ABAP Editor (transaction SE38).
Enter the report name RSLVCBACKUP.
Select Variants and choose Display or Change.
Enter a name for your variant and choose Create.
Enter the following values:
Connection Name: Name of database connection of the SAP liveCache database (for example, LCA)
Logical Backup Medium: Name of the backup template
Select the type of backup (full or incremental data backup, interactive log backup, automatic log backup)
Enter the attributes.
Schedule this report for background processing (Defining Jobs (transaction SM36), Scheduling Background Jobs).
Specify the report name RSLVCBACKUP and the name of the desired variant.
Open ABAP Editor (transaction SE38).
Enter the report name RSLVCBACKUP.
Choose Execute.
Enter the following values:
Connection Name: name of database connection of the SAP liveCache database (for example, LCA)
Logical Backup Medium: Name of the backup template
Select the type of backup (full or incremental data backup, interactive log backup, automatic log backup)
Choose Execute.