In the Integration user menu, you can, among other things, change a SAP liveCache connection.
In accordance with the Authorization Concept, the user was assigned one of the roles SAP_BC_LVC_ADMINISTRATOR or SAP_BC_LVC_SUPERUSER. You are in the user menu of the user with the authorizations that correspond to this role.
In the user menu, choose liveCache Assistant (transaction LC10).
Enter the name of the database connection. You can select the name from the list of existing names. You can restrict the search for the required name.
.To be able to change integration information, you must be in change mode. Switch to this mode, if necessary.
Check the SAP liveCache connection information (liveCache Name, liveCache Server) for completeness and accuracy.
If necessary, you can make specifications for user data and administration reports or control automatic monitoring.
.The system displays a message if the SAP liveCache connection was successfully changed. The SAÜ liveCache connection information is stored in the tables DBCON and DBCONUSR.
After changing the connection, you must stop and then restart all application servers that have access to the SAP liveCache database. Otherwise, significant connection problems can occur.
Stop and restart all application servers that have access to the SAP liveCache database.