Procedure documentationBacking Up the Database Instance on a Remote Computer Locate this document in the navigation structure


You can back up the data and log entries of the local computer on a remote computer.

If you want to save the entries to files, the property Data carrier in the respective backup template must point to a directory that is located on a remote computer and was defined with read and write access. You can only perform such backups with a user that has operating system user rights on both computers.

In Microsoft Windows, you can also execute backups to pipes that are located on a remote computer.


You want to create a complete data backup of database instance DEMODB on local computer GENUA and store the backup on remote computer PARMA in directory C:\Backups 2006\Data. You have defined a backup template for a complete data backup to a file with the following properties:

Name of backup template: DemoDataCompl_remote

Data carriers (device/file):\\PARMA\Backups 2006\Data\completeDataFe

Type: file (FILE)

Backup type: complete data backup (DATA)

Size restriction: none (0)

Block size: 6 overwrite: no (NO)


You can find the prerequisites under Database Manager CLI, backup_start.


  1. Call the Database Manager CLI in session mode, log on as operator OLEG with password MONDAY, and connect to the local database instance DEMODB.

    >dbmcli –u OLEG,MONDAY –d DEMODB

    dbmcli on DEMODB>

  2. Transfer the database instance to the OFFLINE operational state:

    dbmcli on DEMODB>db_offline


  3. Go to the Administrative Tools area in your operating system. In the service entry for the current database instance (has status STARTED), change the logon Log on as local system account to an operating system user that is valid for GENUA. This user must also be valid for the remote computer PARMA.

  4. Transfer the database instance to the ONLINE operational state (now under the operating system user just entered):

    dbmcli on DEMODB>db_online


  5. Open a database session:

    dbmcli on DEMODB>db_connect


  6. Start the complete data backup using the backup template DemoDataCompl_remote:

    dbmcli on DEMODB>backup_start DemoDataCompl_remote


    Returncode 0

    Date 20061901

    Time 00093116

    Server GENUA

    Database DB7.6

    Kernel Version Kernel 7.6.00 Build 018-003-000-000

    Pages Transferred 6200

    Pages Left 0

    Volumes 1

    Medianame DemoDataCompl_remote

    Location \\PARMA\Backups 2006\Data\completeDataFeb


    Label DAT_000000003

    Is Consistent true

    First LOG Page 16212

    Last LOG Page

    DB Stamp 1 Date 20061901

    DB Stamp 1 Time 00093116

    DB Stamp 2 Date

    DB Stamp 2 Time

    Page Count 16667

    Devices Used 1

    Database ID GENUA:DEMODB_20051014_142158

    Max Used Data Page 0

    Converter Page Count 13


The data from local database instance DEMODB has been backed up in directory Backups 2006\Data with file name completeDataFeb on remote computer PARMA.