Background documentationSwitching Off the Global Listener and SAP MaxDB X Servers Locate this document in the navigation structure


For local communication, that is, when the database and the database application (or database tool or the interface) are on the same computer, SAP MaxDB uses shared memory for communication.

For local communication, you therefore do not need X servers and can switch them off. Exceptions are all components that use the JDBC interface, which requires an X server even for local communication:

  • Database Studio

  • Event dispatcher functions in Database Manager CLI


Switching Off the Global Listener and all X Servers for Communicating with Local Databases

You are not using Database Studio.


On the command line, stop the global listener and all X servers running on the local computer:

<global_programs_path>\bin\sdbgloballistener stop -all

Note Note

You can display the global programs path using the dbm_getpath DBM command:

dbmcli dbm_getpath GlobalProgPath

For more information, see Database Manager CLI, dbm_getpath.

End of the note.
Switching Off Local X Servers When Using Database Studio to Manage Remote Databases

If you only want to use Database Studio to manage remote databases, you can also switch off the global listener and all X servers on the local computer (for communicating with remote databases, the X servers on the respective database computers are used) and start Database Studio without X servers:

  1. On the command line, stop the global listener and all X servers running on the local computer.

    <global_programs_path>\bin\sdbgloballistener stop -all

  2. Go to the directory that contains the Database Studio executable dbstudio[.exe].

  3. Start Database Studio from the command line with the following option:

    dbstudio -RemoteOnly

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