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Function documentation General Parameters for $VMAKE_OPTION Locate the document in the library structure


Different parameters can be set for the $VMAKE_OPTION environment variable. If you specify several parameters, do not enter a blank space between the individual parameters.

General Parameters for $VMAKE_OPTION




Object files are copied to the top directory level specified in $VMAKE_PATH if they are already available in the MaxDB_DEV development area.


A warning is output instead of an error message due to differences regarding upper and lower-case notation of a target. Discrepancies regarding upper and lower-case letters in the targets within the hierarchy are usually regarded as an error.


Normally, C module files are not allowed to use PASCAL include files. If this option is set, the C header files generated from the PASCAL include file are used.

C | c

C level. The same rules apply as for the PASCAL level, with the exception that PASCAL module files are not allowed to exist here. If PASCAL and C Level are used, non-PASCAL files are copied from the PASCAL Level to the C Level during the translation process. C | c therefore implies that PASCAL files are translated into C files. C requires that source code be managed at this level. If you use c, this is optional. In other words, the source code from this level is used if it exists.


Date files are used to log the date of a module file that was used to create a program.


All object files are assigned debug information.


If objects are found in the search hierarchy that are younger than those in the first hierarchy, they are copied to the first hierarchy (standard behavior).


If you specify a description file without an extension in the command line, VMAKE attempts to find a description file with a file name that matches the one entered in the command line. The h option determines the search sequence as follows:


       1.      File extension mac

       2.      File extension shm

    3.      File extension lnk

    4.      File extension dld

    5.      File extension shr

       6.      File extension rel


PASCAL include files are not automatically converted to C header files.

I | i

Include files are assigned a frame. This must be removed, and the include file must be transferred to the include directory. If neither the i nor the I option is set, include files are not interdependent. If i is specified, include files are subject to the standard dependency rules. If I is specified, include files are generated with size information for PASCAL. Include files are only considered if one of the S | s options is set.


Object files whose module files are located within the MaxDB_ORG development area are regarded as being up-to-date. The search hierarchy is therefore not applied.


The content of libraries is not analyzed. The date of a library is checked against the timestamp of the object files. When libraries are created, all object files that are involved are linked.


Object files are stored in the file system, as they cannot be accessed otherwise. Alternatively, object files from programs that have already been linked can be used.

O | o

This level contains object files that can be linked to generate programs. If O is set, these files are used accordingly. If o is specified, program generation ends once all of the object files have been created.

P | p

If P is specified, PASCAL Level files remain in the PASCAL Level directory. P requires that source code be managed at this level. If you use p, this is optional. In other words, the source code from this level is used if it exists.


The shrglob and noshrglob options for description files are ignored.

S | s

Many module files have a frame that has to be removed before they are translated. If S is specified, all of the module files have to be present. If s is specified, these files are only used if they exist. Dependent files are only processed if the source code is present.


If description files are translated, a date stamp is output.


A timestamp is always output before a module file is translated.


If write-protected source code (such as those on a CD-ROM) should be accessed, you have to specify this option.


The system searches for module files, whose name does not contain a coded layer and which ends in .rc, .ico, .def, .mc, .dlg, .idl, .ycc, .lex or .rgs, in the Resource layer.



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