Background documentation-s: Displaying Client Information Locate this document in the navigation structure


Use this option to display the version and path information of a pure client installation.

You can use the -s option for the dbm_version and dbm_getpath commands only. When specified with other DBM commands, the -s option does not have any effect.

If you do not specify the -s option together with these commands, the DBMCLI client connects to the DBM server of the highest available server installation on this computer. The information displayed then refers to this DBM server.


You are logged on to a pure DBM client. There is no DBM server in this installation.




Displaying the Version Information of a DBMCLI Client Installation

>dbmcli -s dbm_version


VERSION = 7.9.00

BUILD = DBMServer 7.9.00 Build 000-123-211-705

OS = WIN32

SYSNAME = Windows Vista Enterprise Edition, 32-bit