Procedure documentationSELECT Editor Locate this document in the navigation structure


The Diagnosis user menu of the DBA Cockpit contains the SELECT- Editor, with which you can execute SELECT statements, and, if necessary, store them for reuse.


  1. Open the DBA Cockpit (transaction DBACOCKPIT) and choose   Diagnosis   SELECT Editor  .

  2. Enter the desired SELECT statement.

  3. Choose Execute.


The following functions are available:

  • EXPLAIN: You can display the execution plan for the SQL statement.

  • Store SELECT in Database: You can save your SELECT statement in the database under a name of your choice.

  • Load SELECT from Database: You can resuse a SELECT statement stored in the database, by loading it into the SELECT editor by specifying its name.

  • Delete a SELECT Statement: You can delete a SELECT statement stored in the database.

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