The Diagnosis user menu of the DBA Cockpit contains, among other things, the OMS Object Browser. The OMS Object Browser provides you with a lot of detailed information on the OMS objects used in the SAP liveCache.
Open the DBA Cockpit (transaction DBACOCKPIT) and choose . Enter the desired Object ID and choose Display Object.
The following information is displayed:
Show / hide output history
If you have requested information on several OMS objects (during your analysis) by entering the object ID, this information remains in the output history. You can select the required object ID and display detailed information on the selected OMS object.
You can show or hide the output history and delete information from the output history.
Show / hide object information
The system displays general information about the specified OMS object, such as class ID, class name, object type, schema name, and total size of the object.
You can display or hide the object information.
If you want more detailed information, choose Complete Object or Indexes/Key.
The Complete Object display contains a list of fields (members) of an OMS object (Show/Hide Members). You can also view the hexadecimal display for the specified object.
The Indexes display contains a list of the indexes for the specified object. With an object of type OMS_KEYED_OBJECT, the fields (members) of the key and the hexadecimal display of the key are shown in the Key display.