Background documentationdb_addvolume Locate this document in the navigation structure


Use this DBM command to create additional data or log volumes for the database. You can create additional log volumes in existing or in new partitions.

Note Note

If you are using Microsoft Windows, note that you cannot compress volumes that are files, and that you cannot store them in a compressed operating system directory either.

End of the note.
Adding Data Volumes

You expand the data area of the database. For that pupose, you can define either the size of the new data volume or a target fill level for the data area.

If this target fill level is less than the current fill level, the DBM command is executed and as many volumes are added as required to reach the target fill level. If the current fill level is less than the target level, the DBM command is not executed.

If you do not enter a volume specification, then a system default for a volume of type file is determined based on existing volume definitions and used. The automatic extension of the data area will only be successful if the size of the existing volume definition is 1024 pages at a minimum (minimum size of a data volume as per SAP MaxDB version 7.7.04). You can use the Database Manager parameter AutoExtDir to define the directory for this system default volume and, using the Database Manager parameter AutoExtSize, define the size for this system default volume (see: dbm_configset).


You have the server permission ParamFull or AccessUtility.


db_addvolume DATA [<definition>]

<definition> :: = -fd <percentage> | <vol_specification>

<vol_specification> :: = <device_name> <vol_type> <size>




-fd <percentage>

Target fill level of the data area in percent

The volume is only created if the target fill level has already been reached or exceeded.


Name of the device/file


Type of the device/file that is to be added

Possible values are: F | L | R

F: file

L: link

R: raw device


Size of the volume to be added in pages, minimum size is 1024 Pages




Values for the Reply Fields




Only after use of the option -fd <filling_level>

Number of volumes added, which was required to reach the target fill level

In the event of errors, see Reply Format.

Adding Log Volumes

Define additional log volumes to extend the log area of the database.

If you execute the DBM command without entering a volume specification, then a system default for a volume of type file is determined based on existing volume definitions and used. It is assigned the partition number of the most recently created log volume, even if this no longer exists.

You can use the Database Manager parameter AutoExtDirLog to define the directory for this system default, and the Database Manager parameter AutoExtSizeLog to define its size (see: dbm_configset).

Also use this DBM command to create additional log volumes with mirror volumes. Use the Database Manager parameter AutoExtDirLogMirror to define the directory for the system default of the mirror volume.

Note Note

If the database is not yet mirrored, you first need to change the log mode of the database and then change the volume parameters (see: param_addvolume) to create mirror volumes for existing log volumes.

End of the note.

Use the option <partition_no> to assign the newly created log volume to an existing partition or a newly created one.

According to the default value of the system, the first log volume is assigned to partition no. 1 when the database is created. Each new log volume will be assigned to partition 1 in the same manner if you do not specify a partition number. This also applies if other partitions already exist.

Partition numbers can be freely defined. They do not need to be assigned in sequence.


You have the server permission ParamFull or AccessUtility.


db_addvolume LOG [<definition> [PARTITION <partition_no>]]

<definition> :: = <vol_specification> | <mvol_specification>

<vol_specification> :: <device_name> <vol_type> <size>

<mvol_specification> :: = <device_name> <vol_type> <size> <mdevice_name> <mvol_type>





Name of the device/file


Type of the device/file that is to be added

Possible values are: F | L | R

F: file

L: link

R: raw device


Size of the log volume to be added in pages


Name of the device/file for the mirror volume


Type of the device/file that is to be added as a mirror volume

Possible values are: F | L | R

F: file

L: link

R: raw device


Number of the log area partition to which the new volume or mirror volume should be assigned.



In the event of errors, see Reply Format.

More Information

Concepts of the Database System, Log Area, Volumes (Permanent Storage)

Database Administration, Planning the Database