An event is an information generated by the database system that a certain defined situation has occurred. Every event is defined by properties such as name, priority and so on. The properties can be evaluated by the system.
You can use Database Manager CLI to specify values for the properties and determine which actions will be triggered by the database system when the situation occurs.
You can configure that the system sends a warning mail to your address when the database fill level exceeds 90%.
Every event belongs to an event category. The values that determine when an event of a certain category is triggered are stored in the system. When this value is reached, the system triggers an event. For some categories, there are multiple different property definitions (default values) that trigger an event of that category.
Event Category |
Event Name |
Description |
Changeable |
ThrowAdminEvent |
Admin |
The system triggers an event of this category when the database has been transferred to the ADMIN operational state. |
no |
ThrowAutoLogBackupEvent |
AutoLogBackup |
The system triggers an event of this category when the function for automatic log backup is switched on or off, a task for automatic log backup is started or stopped or when log backup was successfully finished. |
no |
ThrowCheckTableProgressEvent |
CheckTableProgress |
The system triggers an event of this category during and on conclusion of a table structure check (CHECK TABLE). |
no |
ThrowCheckDatabaseProgressEvent |
CheckDatabaseProgress |
The system triggers an event of this category during and on conclusion of a database structure check (CHECK DATA or CHECK DATA WITH UPDATE). |
no |
ThrowCrashEvent |
Crash |
The system triggers an event of this category when the database kernel process is terminated and the database went OFFLINE for this reason. |
no |
ThrowDatabaseFullEvent |
DatabaseFull |
The systems at regular intervals triggers events of this category when the data area of the database is 100% full. Note that the system only triggers this event in the ONLINE operational state and during a restart of the database. |
no |
ThrowDataCacheAboveLimitEvent |
DataCacheAboveLimit |
The system triggers an event of this category when the predefined threshold value for the size of the data cache is exceeded. |
no |
ThrowDataCacheBelowLimitEvent |
DataCacheBelowLimit |
The system triggers an event of this category when the size of the data cache falls below the predefined threshold value. |
no |
ThrowDBFillingAboveLimitEvent |
DBFillingAboveLimit |
The system triggers an event of this category when the fill level of the data area exceeds the predefined value. Events of this category are active with the following default values: HIGH (at fill level 90%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98%, 99%) | MEDIUM | (at fill level 80%, 85%) LOW (at fill level 70%) |
In addition, you can define your own events for fill levels between 0% and 99% and priorities of your own choice. You can also override the priorities of the pre-defined events. |
ThrowDBFillingBelowLimitEvent |
DBFillingBelowLimit |
The system triggers an event of this category when the fill level of the data area falls below the predefined value. Events of this category are active with the following default values: LOW (default value; at fill level 70%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%) | MEDIUM | HIGH |
In addition, you can define your own events for fill levels between 1% and 100% and priorities of your own choice. You can also override the priorities of the pre-defined events. |
ThrowDBM:DispatcherStartEvent |
DBM:DispatcherStart |
The system triggers an event of this category when the event dispatcher has been started. |
no |
ThrowDBM:DispatcherStopEvent |
DBM:DispatcherStop |
The system triggers an event of this category when the event dispatcher is stopped. |
no |
ThrowDBM:DispConfigChangeEvent |
DBM:DispConfigChange |
The system triggers an event of this category when the event dispatcher configuration is changed. |
no |
ThrowDBM:MissedEventEvent |
DBM:MissedEvent |
The system triggers an event of this category when there is a gap in the serial numbering of the events, in other words, if an event was not generated. |
no |
ThrowDBM:TestEvent |
DBM:Test |
This event category is for test purposes only. The system triggers events of this category when you execute the event_create_testevent DBM command. |
no |
ThrowErrorEvent |
Error |
The system triggers this event when it enters an error in the kernel log file. |
no |
ThrowEventChangedEvent |
EventChanged |
The system triggers an event of this category when the event configuration is changed, for example, when an event is activated or deactivated. |
no |
ThrowLogAboveLimitEvent |
LogAboveLimit |
The system triggers an event of this category when the fill level of the log area exceeds one of the predefined values. Events of this category are active with the following default values: HIGH (at fill level 96%,97%,98%,99%) | MEDIUM (at fill level 90%, 95%) | LOW (at fill level 50%, 75%) |
In addition, for each time the fill level is exceeded, you can define an event with its own priority. You can also override the priorities of the predefined events. |
ThrowLogFullEvent |
LogFull |
The system triggers an event of this category when the log area of the database is 100% full. |
no |
ThrowLogSegmentFullEvent |
LogSegmentFull |
The system triggers an event of this category when a log segment of the log area is full. |
no |
ThrowOfflineEvent |
Offline |
The system triggers an event of this category after the database has been correctly transferred to the OFFLINE operational state. |
no |
ThrowOnlineEvent |
Online |
The system triggers an event of this category after the database has been transferred to the ONLINE operational state. |
no |
ThrowOutOfSessionsEvent |
OutOfSessions |
The system triggers an event of this category when all available user tasks are in use. This means that no further users can log on to the database. |
no |
ThrowStandbyEvent |
Standby |
The system triggers an event of this category after the database has been transferred to the STANDBY operational state. |
no |
ThrowSystemerrorEvent |
Systemerror |
The system triggers an event of this category when a serious system error occurs (error messages -9000 through -9999). |
no |
ThrowReconnectEvent |
Reconnect |
The system triggers an event of this category when the connection between the DBM server and the database is interrupted and cannot be restored. |
no |
ThrowUpdateStatWantedEvent |
UpdateStatWanted |
The system triggers an event of this category when the SQL optimizer statistics for at least one table need to be updated. |
no |
The system buffers the triggered events in an event queue. Once there, they can be called with a DBM command or further be processed by an event dispatcher. The event queue can hold a maximum of 1000 events. If this number is exceeded, the system deletes the 10 oldest events from the event queue and writes a warning to the dbm.prt log file.
Database Studio, Using Database Events
Database Administration, Automating Administration Tasks