Duplicate key in index |
Execution failed, parse again |
Duplicate key |
Duplicate secondary key |
Integrity violation |
View violation |
Referential integrity violated |
Foreign key integrity violation |
Lock collision |
Lock request timeout |
Lock request timeout |
Lock collision |
Work rolled back |
Work rolled back |
Session inactivity timeout (Work rolled back) |
Session terminated by shutdown (Work rolled back) |
Too many SQL statements (Work rolled back) |
SQL statement not available in this DB mode |
SQL statement canceled |
SQL statement not available for this application |
DBM command impossible at this time |
Table unloaded or content deleted |
SQL statement not allowed for this instance |
Table or index dropped or content deleted |
Incompatible incremental backup |
Table is read only |
No more log to save |
Data backup missing (backup history lost) |
Log backup is not possible because log writing has been switched off |
Log backup is not possible because the log overwrite mode has been enabled |
Referential integrity violated |
System error |