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JDBC Interface Messages

Message Number

Message Text


Missing variable address in SQLDA


Duplicate FETCH statement with MFETCH option not allowed


SQL statement too long (buffer overflow)


Invalid CONNECT statement syntax


SERVERDB system not available


CONNECT failed, check SERVERDB




Implicit CONNECT: missing user of SERVERDB


Too many parameters, SQLMAX too small


Missing username or password for CONNECT




SQLCODE <no> comes from SYSPROFILE command


Macro not initiated, no SQLCHECK


Duplicate substructure name


Source code may be truncated


Nested comment not closed


Component name too long


Index of component out of range


Variable is declared as a pointer


Pointer bariable not allowed here


No syntax check for CONNECT command


Array size mismatch


Input string too long


FFETCH or ARRAY-FETCH and FETCH mix not allowed


Numeric input parameter overflow


Session already connected


Output parameter with CONST type


Different SQLMODEs not allowed


Include file exists on disk


Include file produced by user


Memory allocation failed


EXEC ORACLE command has been deleted


Variable not allowed as ARRAY


Unterminated C string


Invalid escape value


Pointer component not allowed


Macro in FETCH set SQLOPT="-B 0"


LONG column exists in table definition


Multibyte char set not allowed


Datafile open error


Datafile write error


Datafile read error


Datafile close error


Convertion from UNICODE impossible


Convertion to UNICODE impossible


Input parameter cannot be NULL value


Invalid numeric input parameter value


Parameter list to long


Program must be precompiled


DB session numer not allowed


Connection down, session released


Not yet implemented


Missing indicator variable, output parameter with NULL value


Numeric output parameter overflow


Parameter list too short


SERVERDB must be restarted


Trace file close error


Trace file open error


Trace file write error


Incompatible data types


Missing macro parameter initialization


Parameter in SQL statement not allowed


Invalid declare statement


Invalid constant definition


Integer too large, greater than 32767


Statement in conflict with COMPATIBLE option


Duplicate field name in record


Duplicate statement name


Duplicate type definition


Duplicate variable name


File close error


File open error


File read error


File write error


Illegal INCLUDE position


INCLUDEs must not be nested


INCLUDE file open error


Invalid C preprocessor command


Data definition not allowed


Invalid declarator


Invalid macro value


Invalid numeric macro value


Invalid precompiler option


Parameter and indicator structures do not match


Invalid parameter name


Invalid record name


Invalid SQL statement


Invalid statement in section


Invalid type definition


Invalid unsigned integer


Invalid variable definition


Statement termination expected


Missing input file name


Missing program file


Precompiler syntax check only


Parameters must be question marks


SQL variable must be an array


Invalid loop parameter value




Storage class not allowed


Number of columns < numer of parameters


To many constants declared


Too many type definitions


Too many variable definitions


Number of columns > numer of parameters


Unknown constant name


Unknown cursor name


Unknown macro number


Unknown parameter name


Unknown record name


Unknown precompiler statement


Unknown statement name


Unknown type name


Missing user name for CONNECT


Invalid runtime options


Missing indicator variabeI


Variable may be truncated






Input line longer than 512 characters


Input line longer than right margin


Variable may overflow


Too many hostvariables


Trace parameter structure not allowed


Whole table may be deleted or updated


Error unknown