Message Number |
Message Text |
Missing variable address in SQLDA |
Duplicate FETCH statement with MFETCH option not allowed |
SQL statement too long (buffer overflow) |
Invalid CONNECT statement syntax |
SERVERDB system not available |
CONNECT failed, check SERVERDB |
Implicit CONNECT: missing user of SERVERDB |
Too many parameters, SQLMAX too small |
Missing username or password for CONNECT |
SQLCODE <no> comes from SYSPROFILE command |
Macro not initiated, no SQLCHECK |
Duplicate substructure name |
Source code may be truncated |
Nested comment not closed |
Component name too long |
Index of component out of range |
Variable is declared as a pointer |
Pointer bariable not allowed here |
No syntax check for CONNECT command |
Array size mismatch |
Input string too long |
FFETCH or ARRAY-FETCH and FETCH mix not allowed |
Numeric input parameter overflow |
Session already connected |
Output parameter with CONST type |
Different SQLMODEs not allowed |
Include file exists on disk |
Include file produced by user |
Memory allocation failed |
EXEC ORACLE command has been deleted |
Variable not allowed as ARRAY |
Unterminated C string |
Invalid escape value |
Pointer component not allowed |
Macro in FETCH set SQLOPT="-B 0" |
LONG column exists in table definition |
Multibyte char set not allowed |
Datafile open error |
Datafile write error |
Datafile read error |
Datafile close error |
Convertion from UNICODE impossible |
Convertion to UNICODE impossible |
Input parameter cannot be NULL value |
Invalid numeric input parameter value |
Parameter list to long |
Program must be precompiled |
DB session numer not allowed |
Connection down, session released |
Not yet implemented |
Missing indicator variable, output parameter with NULL value |
Numeric output parameter overflow |
Parameter list too short |
SERVERDB must be restarted |
Trace file close error |
Trace file open error |
Trace file write error |
Incompatible data types |
Missing macro parameter initialization |
Parameter in SQL statement not allowed |
Invalid declare statement |
Invalid constant definition |
Integer too large, greater than 32767 |
Statement in conflict with COMPATIBLE option |
Duplicate field name in record |
Duplicate statement name |
Duplicate type definition |
Duplicate variable name |
File close error |
File open error |
File read error |
File write error |
Illegal INCLUDE position |
INCLUDEs must not be nested |
INCLUDE file open error |
Invalid C preprocessor command |
Data definition not allowed |
Invalid declarator |
Invalid macro value |
Invalid numeric macro value |
Invalid precompiler option |
Parameter and indicator structures do not match |
Invalid parameter name |
Invalid record name |
Invalid SQL statement |
Invalid statement in section |
Invalid type definition |
Invalid unsigned integer |
Invalid variable definition |
Statement termination expected |
Missing input file name |
Missing program file |
Precompiler syntax check only |
Parameters must be question marks |
SQL variable must be an array |
Invalid loop parameter value |
Missing SERVERDB |
Storage class not allowed |
Number of columns < numer of parameters |
To many constants declared |
Too many type definitions |
Too many variable definitions |
Number of columns > numer of parameters |
Unknown constant name |
Unknown cursor name |
Unknown macro number |
Unknown parameter name |
Unknown record name |
Unknown precompiler statement |
Unknown statement name |
Unknown type name |
Missing user name for CONNECT |
Invalid runtime options |
Missing indicator variabeI |
Variable may be truncated |
Input line longer than 512 characters |
Input line longer than right margin |
Variable may overflow |
Too many hostvariables |
Trace parameter structure not allowed |
Whole table may be deleted or updated |
Error unknown |