You create the software for the MaxDB PHP extension from the source code and install this software on your computer.
You have installed the following programs:
gcc compiler, version 2.95 or higher
autoconf, version 2.52 or higher
libtool, version 1.5.6 or higher
You have downloaded the source code for PHP 4.3.x or 5.0.x from and unpacked it to a local directory <php_source> on your computer.
You installed the MaxDB SQLDBC software (Base and SQLDBC software components). In the following, the installation directory is referred to as <independent_program_path>.
More information: Glossary, Installation
To reproduce the test examples described in the following, you also require a database. For this reason we recommend that you install the complete MaxDB software first, create a database and load the tutorial data to this database.
Create the directory <php_source>/ext/maxdb
Download the MaxDB PHP package maxdb-<version>.tgz from and unpack it to a temporary directory on your computer:
tar –C <tmp_folder> –xvzf maxdb-<version>.tgz
Copy the contents of directory <maxdb_version> to the directory <php_source>/ext/maxdb:
cp –r <tmp_folder>/<maxdb_version> <php_source>/ext/maxdb
Go to the directory <php_source>:
cd <php_source>
Create the new scripts for compiling the source code: To do so, enter the following command:
./buildconf --force
Specify the parameters for creating the PHP software with the SAP MaxDB extension:
./configure --with-maxdb=<independent_program_path> --prefix=<php_with_maxdb> [--<parameter>] [...]
<parameter> :: = <option>=<value> | <option>
Using the option with-maxdb, define the directory <independent_program_path>.
If you have only installed the SAP MaxDB SQLDBC software, enter the installation directory of SQLDBC.
If you have installed the complete SAP MaxDB software, enter the directory for the programs and libraries used jointly by the SAP MaxDB databases and applications.
Using the prefix option, you can specify the directory <php_with_maxdb> into which PHP with the SAP MaxDB is to be installed. Note that you need write authorization for this directory in order to be able to create the software in it.
If you do not specify this option, the system uses the /usr/local directory as default.
To display all options, usse the following command:
./configure --help
Open a root shell and create and install PHP with SAP MaxDB extension using the following command:
make install
PHP with SAP MaxDB support has been compiled and installed.
To check whether the installation has been successful, display the list of all installed PHP extensions installed using the following command:
<php_with_maxdb>/bin/php –m
If no errors have occurred, the PHP extension maxdb is displayed in the list.
More information: Testing the SAP MaxDB PHP Extension on Linux
You have unpacked the source code for PHP 5.0.0 to the directory /home/anna/php-5.0.0
You have installed the SQLDBC software in the directory /opt/sdb/programs
You create and install the SAP MaxDB PHP extension as follows:
Create the directories /home/anna/php-5.0.0/ext and /home/anna/tmp
Unpack the SAP MaxDB PHP package maxdb-7[1].5.00.24.tgz in the directory /home/anna/tmp:
tar /home/anna/tmp maxdb-7[1].5.00.24.tgz
You now have the following directory structure:
Copy the contents of the directory <maxdb_php>/ext/maxdb to <php_source>/ext:
cp –r /home/anna/tmp/ext/maxdb /home/anna/php-5.0.0/ext
Go to the directory where you unpacked the PHP source code:
cd /home/anna/php-5.0.0
Create the new scripts for compiling the source code:
./buildconf –force
Using options, specify that the programs and libraries used jointly by the SAP MaxDB databases and applications are stored in the directory /opt/sdb/programs, that PHP with SAP MaxDB extension is to be installed in the directory /usr and that the software is to be created both without CGI and without LIBXML support:
./configure --with-maxdb=/opt/sdb/programs --prefix=/usr --disable-cgi –-disable-libxml
Create and install the PHP software with the SAP MaxDB extension:
make install