Function |
Comments |
SQLAllocConnect |
- |
SQLAllocEnv |
- |
SQLAllocStmt |
- |
SQLBindCol |
If the length specification pcbValueMax is smaller than the length of a bound LOB column, the SAP MaxDB ODBC driver returns the value SQL_NO_TOTAL as the pcbValue. In all other cases, pcbValue specifies the length of the copied bytes. You can then get other parts of this LOB column using the SQLGetData function. |
SQLCancel |
- |
SQLColAttributes |
- |
SQLConnect |
- |
SQLDescribeCol |
- |
SQLDisconnect |
- |
SQLError |
- |
SQLExecDirect |
- |
SQLExecute |
- |
SQLFetch |
- |
SQLFreeConnect |
- |
SQLFreeEnv |
- |
SQLFreeStmt |
- |
SQLGetCursorName |
Case-sensitive, maximum length 18 characters Take this into account, for example, with the statement SELECT FOR UPDATE, as identifiers that are not enclosed in quotation marks are automatically converted into uppercase letters. The SAP MaxDB ODBC driver constructs default values for cursor names in accordance with the following schema: SQL_CURSOR_nnnn, where nnnn is an internal counter. SQL_CUR_nnnnnnn (if n >= 10000) |
SQLNumResultCols |
- |
SQLPrepare |
- |
SQLRowCount |
Specifies the number of affected rows for all SELECT, INSERT, DELETE statements, and so on. If no result set was created, the value -1 is displayed for the undeterminable number of affected rows. |
SQLSetCursorName |
- |
SQLTransact |
- |