Background documentationparam_directput Locate this document in the navigation structure


You use this DBM command to change the parameters of the database instance.

Unlike the DBM command for changing the values of the database parameters (see: param_put), this command enters the values for the specified parameters directly into the database parameter file. However, an entry is only made if the parameter is contained in the default parameter file.

Be very careful when using this DBM command as it accesses the database instance parameter file directly. The system does check that the changes made are in accordance with the rules, and it overwrites invalid values when the database instance is next restarted with the values from the default parameter file.

However, this does not happen for the parameters RunDirectoryPath and KernelVersion, or for any volume parameters.

Caution Caution

If you change these parameters, this can lead to severe inconsistencies during database operation.

End of the caution.


You have the server authorization ParamFull.


param_directput <parameter_name> <value> [<comment>]





Name of the database parameter


Value of the database parameter


Comment to be saved for the database parameter

If the comment line contains spaces, you need to put the line in double quotation marks.



In the event of errors, see Reply Format.

More Information

Database Administration, Database Parameters