You display a list of all the DBM commands. By specifying options, you can limit the display of this list.
You receive a description of the syntax for entering DBM commands, information on the optional and/or required DBM options as well as information on whether the execution of the DBM commands requires a database or service session.
For obsolete commands, references to the new names of the commands are given.
Reply lines with more than 80 characters are split.
You do not need to log on to the Database Manager to execute this DBM command.
help [<option>]
<option>::= <string> | <fuzzy_option> | <obsolete_option>
<fuzzy_option>:: = -k <string>
<obsolete_option>:: = -obsolete [<string>]
Option | Description |
<string> | Character string Only the current DBM commands which start with the specified character string are displayed. |
-k <string> | Error-tolerant search for a character string in the DBM command |
-obsolete [<string>] | Only obsolete DBM commands are displayed. The system displays a reference to the current name for each of these commands. If you specify a character string, the display is limited to those obsolete DBM commands that contained this character string. If you do not specify a character string, all obsolete DBM commands are displayed. |
<dbm_command> <description>
<dbm_command> <description>
Value | Description |
<dbm_command> | DBM command |
<description> | Description of the DBM command, the possible options and their use For obsolete DBM commands, the command that is currently valid is identified |
Call the Database Manager CLI, display all the valid DBM commands:
>dbmcli help
apropos <command_name_part>
archive_stage <medium> <stage> [verify|noverify] [remove|keep]
[FileNumberList <list>]
archive_stage_repeat <medium> [verify|noverify] [remove|keep]
auto_extend <mode> [<percentage>]
autolog_on [<medium>]
autorecover [LOG] [UNTIL <date> <time>] [ ( KEY <key> LABEL
<label> ) | ( IBID <internal_backup_ID> ) ]
auto_update_statistics <mode>
backup_cancel (needs backup session)
Call the Database Manager CLI, display all the DBM commands that contain the character string shm:
>dbmcli help –k shm
Call the Database Manager CLI, display all obsolete DBM commands that contain the character string recover:
>dbmcli help –obsolete recover
recover_devspace (obsolete version of recover_volume)