Background documentation-ux: Logging on to the XUSER Program Locate this document in the navigation structure


In the Database Manager CLI, you use the DBM option -ux to log on to the XUSER program using the data stored under the DEFAULT user key.

You can use this DBM option together with the DBM options for changing (-us) or deleting (-ud) XUSER entries and to display the user data saved in the XUSER program (-ul).

Recommendation Recommendation

We recommend that you use the XUSER tool directly.

End of the recommendation.


You have saved the user name and password of a valid database user under the DEFAULT user key.


-ux <default_user_name>,<default_user_password>





Name of the user stored under the DEFAULT user key


Password of the user stored under the DEFAULT user key


Changing an Existing XUSER Entry

>dbmcli -ux <default_user_name>,<default_user_password> -uk <user_key> -us <new_user_name>,<new_user_password> [options]

Call the Database Manager CLI, log on as user BORIS with password PINK (stored under the DEFAULT user key), specify the XUSER entry to be changed with the user key DAKEY, specify the new user name MONA and password RED:

>dbmcli -ux BORIS,PINK -uk DAKEY -us MONA,RED

Deleting an Existing XUSER Entry

>dbmcli -ux <default_user_name>,<default_user_password> -uk <user_key> -ud

Call the Database Manager CLI, log on as user BORIS with password PINK (stored under the DEFAULT user key), specify the XUSER entry to be deleted with the user key DAKEY, specify the DBM option –ud to delete this entry:

>dbmcli -ux BORIS,PINK -uk DAKEY -ud

More Information

Utilities, XUSER