You can create a new DBM operator on the basis of an existing DBM operator, whose server authorizations and DBM operator properties, except the name and password, are copied to the new one. Later you can adjust these server authorizations and DBM operator properties to fit your requirements.
You also have the option of defining just a name and a password when you create a new DBM operator. It is then created with only these two DBM properties. You then have to assign all additional DBM operator properties and server authorizations to the operator explicitly.
To read the
prerequisites, see Database Manager CLI, user_create
See also:
Database Manager
CLI, Server
Concepts of the Database System, Database Manager
You want to create the new DBM operator OLEG with password MONDAY. You use the configuration of the database system administrator as a template for the new DBM operator, from which you then withdraw the rights for starting and stopping database instances, for executing operating system commands, for managing the installation and managing DBM operators.
1. Call the Database Manager CLI in session mode, log on as database system administrator DBADMIN with password SECRET, connect to the database instance DEMODB:
dbmcli on DEMODB>
2. Create the Database Manager operator OLEG with password MONDAY and the server authorizations of the database system administrator DBADMIN:
dbmcli on DEMODB>user_create OLEG,MONDAY DBADMIN
3. Change the DBM operator properties according to the above scenario:
dbmcli on DEMODB>user_put OLEG SERVERRIGHTS=-DBStart,-DBStop,-SystemCmd,-InstallMgm,-UserMgm
You have created DBM operator OLEG with password MONDAY for the database instance DEMODB. OLEG has the following server authorizations: DBInfoRead, Backup, LoadSystab, Recovery, DBFileRead, ParamCheckWrite, ParamFull, ParamRead, AccessSQL, AccessUtility, SchedulerMgm and Scheduling.
You want to create the new DBM operator ELENA with password SUNDAY and assign it the following server authorizations:
● Displaying status information
● Backing up and restoring database instances
● Accessing database parameters (checked write)
● Loading the system tables
● Scheduling DBM commands
1. Call the Database Manager CLI in session mode, log on as database system administrator DBADMIN with password SECRET, connect to the database instance DEMODB:
dbmcli on DEMODB>
2. Create the DBM operator ELENA with password SUNDAY:
dbmcli on DEMODB>user_create ELENA,SUNDAY
3. Assign the server authorizations according to the above scenario:
dbmcli on DEMODB>user_put ELENA SERVERRIGHTS=+Backup,+Recovery,+ParamCheckWrite,+Scheduling
You have created DBM operator ELENA with password SUNDAY for the database instance DEMODB. ELENA has the following server authorizations: Backup, Recovery, ParamCheckwrite and Scheduling.