You back up all data that has been saved since the last complete data backup of the database instance.
You can display the status of the backup operation with the DBM command backup_state. Each time you execute this DBM command, the system displays the current status of the backup.
To read the
prerequisites, see Database Manager CLI, backup_start,
See also:
Defining a Backup Template for Incremental Data Backup to a File
Concepts of the Database System, Backing Up
You want to execute an incremental data backup to a file.
You have already executed a complete data backup. You have defined a backup template of type FILE with the name DemoDataInc for the incremental backup.
1. Call the Database Manager CLI in session mode and log on as DBM operator OLEG with the password MONDAY, connect to the database instance DEMODB:
>dbmcli –u OLEG,MONDAY –d DEMODB
dbmcli on DEMODB>
2. Open a database session:
dbmcli on DEMODB>db_connect
3. Start the backup operation using the backup template named DemoDataInc:
dbmcli on DEMODB>backup_start DemoDataInc
Returncode 0
Date 20051229
Time 00111343
Server GENUA
Database DEMODB
Kernel Version Kernel 7.6.00 Build 016-123-109-428
Pages Transferred 312
Pages Left 0
Volumes 1
Medianame DemoDataInc
Location Backups 2005\Data\incDataJan
Label PAG_000000005
Is Consistent true
First LOG Page 18648
Last LOG Page
DB Stamp 1 Date 20051229
DB Stamp 1 Time 00111343
DB Stamp 2 Date
DB Stamp 2 Time
Page Count 285
Devices Used 1
Database ID GENUA:DEMODB_20051201_111620
Max Used Data Page 0
dbmcli on DEMODB>
After you have executed the DBM command, information about the backup is output. This information is only given when the backup has been ended or interrupted. For this reason, the response to this DBM command can take a long time.