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Object documentation Demo Database Locate the document in the library structure


DEMODB is a database instance developed for demonstration purposes. It is used in the documentation to illustrate procedures, commands and the like using examples.

If you want to use the demo database instance DEMODB to work through examples yourself, you must first create the demo database instance and then load the demo data into it. We recommend that you use the Installation Manager for this.

You can also use the Database Manager tool after the software is installed to create the demo database instance and load the demo data into the database instance.


You can use the Installation Manager or the Database Manager to create the DEMODB database instance and load all demo data.

     Installation Manual, Structure linkCreating Demo Database Instance DEMODB
Select Load Tutorial Data in the Database Configuration window of the Installation Manger to load all the demo data.

     Database Manager GUI, Structure linkCreating a Database Instance: Desktop PC/Laptop
Load Tutorial to load all the demo data.

     Database Administration Tutorial, Structure linkCreating and Configuring a Database Instance
Now load the demo data in the new database instance (see: Structure linkLoading the Demo Data in a Database Instance).

You can load all demo data into an existing database instance at a later stage if you do not load all data when you create the database instance. You can use the Database Manager to load all demo data.

     Database Manager GUI, Structure linkLoading Demo Data

     Database Manager CLI, Structure linkload_tutorial

A simplified demo data set is enough to work through the examples in the SQL tutorial. For this reason, do not load all the demo data, but follow the procedure described in SQL Tutorial, Structure linkDemo Data for the SQL-Tutorial.


This demo database instance was developed for practice and testing purposes and contains several predefined demo users with standard passwords and demo data.

Do not use the demo database instance in a production system.


The following are the default names of the database instance, the database user, and others:

     Name of the database instance: DEMODB

     Name/password of the database system administrator: DBADMIN/SECRET

     Name/password of a database user: MONA/RED

     Schema: HOTEL

     Database objects: Objects in the HOTEL Schema or SQL Tutorial, Structure linkExplanation of the Tables in the HOTEL Demo Schema


The demo data is used in the following tutorials:

     Structure linkDatabase Administration Tutorial (complete data record)

     Structure linkLoader Tutorial (complete data record)

     Structure linkSQL Tutorial (simplified data record)


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