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Background documentation Authorizations Locate the document in the library structure

After the logon data has been authenticated, a user can, within the framework of his or her authorizations, access data in the database instance and use database tools.

The MaxDB database system has the following types of users:

·        Database System Administrator (SYSDBA User)

The database system administrator has comprehensive authorizations for access to the database instance and database tools.

·        Database User

Database users access the data in the database instance using SQL statements. The user class determines what authorizations a user has.

·        DBM Operator (Database Manager Operator)

DBM operators manage database instances with the database tool Database Manager. A DBM operator’s server authorizations determine what authorizations he or she has.

For more information about server authorizations, see Concepts of the Database System, Server Authorizations for the DBM Server.


·        Reading of data by an unauthorized user

A user reads confidential data that should only be visible for a restricted group of users.

·        Changing of data by an unauthorized user

A user changes data that should only be changed only by a restricted group of users.


·        Defining Clear Authorizations for Users

·        See also:

·        Concepts of the Database System, Database Users.


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