The task state shows whether a task is active and which action it is currently executing.
Overview of the Task States
Name |
Description |
AsynClose |
Task is closing I/O ports after backup or restore |
AsynCntl |
Task is determining parameters or initializing a backup device |
AsynIO |
Task is executing an asynchronous I/O operation (during backup or restore) |
AsynOpen |
Task is opening I/O ports for the backup or restore |
AsynWaitRead/Write |
Task is waiting for the end of an I/O operation during backup or restore |
Command reply |
Task is sending the result of a request to the application |
Command wait |
Database session without a request |
Connect wait |
Free database session |
DcomObjCalled |
Task is executing a database procedure or a COM object |
Diaginit |
Task is initializing the database-internal trace file |
Inactive |
Task is in an initial state and has no resources (such as a stack) |
InsertEvent |
Task is generating an event |
IO wait (W/R) |
Task is waiting for the result of an I/O operation (W: write, R: read) |
Locked |
Task was locked as the kernel was shut down (to avoid this task being rescheduled) |
RescheduleMsec |
Short-term wait situation, task runs again automatically after a predefined time span (in microseconds) |
Runnable |
Task can run now, but has been displaced due to long runtime or priority of another task |
Running |
Task is running, using CPU |
sleep |
Short-term wait situation, task runs again automatically after a predefined time span |
Stopped |
Task was suspended by the kernel and is waiting to run again |
Terminated |
Task or database session was ended |
Task state is unknown |
Vattach |
Task is opening I/O ports (volumes, normal operation) |
Vbegexcl |
Task is waiting to enter a protected area |
Vdetach |
Task is closing I/O ports (volumes, normal operation) |
Vdevsize |
Task is determining the size of a volume or formatting a volume |
Vdualvectorio |
Task is performing a vector I/O operation (read or write) on two volumes in parallel |
Vendexcl |
Task is leaving a protected area |
VenterRWRegion |
Task is waiting to enter a protected area (reader/writer region) |
Vfclose |
Task is closing a file |
Vfopen |
Task is opening a file |
Vfwrite |
Task is writing to a file |
VleaveRWRegion |
Task is leaving a protected area (reader/writer region) |
Vopmsg |
Task is writing a message to one of the following database files: knldiag, knldiag.err, opmsg[n] |
Vrelease |
Task is ending the database session |
Vshutdown |
Task is changing the operational state of the database instance from ONLINE to ADMIN |
Vsuspend |
Task is suspended and waiting to be awoken explicitly by another task (Vresume) There are special Vsuspend wait situations that are displayed under their own names. The following list shows the most important of these states. TableRootExcl: can occur while accessing B*
trees that represent permanent data TableRootShare: can occur while accessing
B* trees that represent permanent data TableNodeExcl, TableNodeShare: analogous wait states for lock collisions on the leaf level For B* trees that represent an index or temporary data, there are similar states, such as InvRootExcl, InvRootShare, InvNodeExcl, TempRootExcl and TempRootExcl. For page chains, there are similar states, such as ObjRootExcl, ObjNodeExcl, ObjNodeShare, UndoRootExcl, UndoRootShare and UndoNodeExcl. DC OvFlow: The data cache is operating at capacity and cannot accept any new data. Only when pages have been written from the data cache to the volumes can the data cache accept new pages. If you frequently observe DC OvFlow states, check whether your data cache is large enough or the I/O system too slow. LogQ FULL: The log queues are operating at capacity and cannot accept any new redo log entries. Only when the log writer has written data from the log queues to the log area can the log queues accept log entries again. If you frequently observe LogQ Full states, check whether your log queues are too small or the I/O system too slow. DB FULL: The data area is full and cannot accept any more pages. Add a new data volume. |
Vvectorio |
Task is executing a vector I/O operation (read or write) |
Vwait |
Task is waiting to be awoken explicitly by another task (Vsignal) Example: task is waiting for an SQL lock |
WaitForEvent |
Task is waiting for an event |
To display information about tasks, use the Database Manager or XCONS or in SAP systems the database assistant or liveCache assistant. See
Database Manager GUI, Displaying Database
Database Manager CLI, show
Database Administration in CCMS:
MaxDB, Task Manager
See also: