You log on to the Database Manager CLI as a DBM operator, connect to the database instance for which the backup template is to be created and define a backup template of type Tape for a complete data backup. For the data carrier, you use the name specified by the tape station (location/device).
To read the
prerequisites, see Database Manager CLI, medium_put
See also:
Concepts of the Database System, Backing Up and
You want to define a backup template with the following properties for complete data backup to a tape:
Backup template
name: DemoTapeCompl
Data carrier (device/file): \\.\tape0
Type: TAPE
Backup type: complete data backup (DATA)
Call the Database Manager CLI, log on as DBM operator OLEG with password MONDAY, connect to the database instance DEMODB and define a backup template with the properties listed in the scenario:
>dbmcli –u OLEG,MONDAY –d DEMODB medium_put DemoTapeCompl \\.\tape0 TAPE DATA
You have created the backup template DemoTapeCompl for the database instance DEMODB.
You can now start a complete data backup using this backup template.
See also:
Complete Data Backup to a Tape
Concepts of the Database System, Backing Up
Database Manager CLI, backup_start