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Invalid host file content


Invalid data type


Invalid user name


Invalid host file sequence


Invalid SQL statement


Invalid sequence for DML and DDL statements


Invalid key word or missing delimiter


Invalid table name


Invalid column name


Invalid end of SQL statement


Invalid numeric constant


Invalid unsigned integer


Invalid numeric parameter


Invalid exponent


Invalid length for this data type


Invalid mixture of functions and columns


Invalid numeric expression




Invalid date time format


Invalid volume name


Invalid volume size


Invalid char position in string function


Invalid table for RESTORE CATALOG


Invalid date format


Invalid time format


Invalid timestamp format


Invalid block size


Invalid day of week


Invalid escape value


Invalid month


Invalid format code


Date input value out of range


Invalid date input value


Date input value inconsistent


Invalid time zone


Mismatch of parameter configuration between backup and instance


Bad xparam page in backup


Invalid datasource name


Invalid value for EXECUTE on datasource


Invalid value for TYPE on datasource


Statement not possible for external tables


Invalid subtrans structure


Invalid sequence definition


Invalid pattern


Wrong password


Invalid parameter