Procedure documentationInstalling SQLDBC Locate this document in the navigation structure


  1. Install the SQLDBC software component.

    More information: Glossary, Installation

  2. Add the path of the SQLDBC libraries to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environmental variable:

    • Microsoft Windows: <installation_path>/pgm

    • Unix and Linux: <installation_path>/lib

    Note Note

    You can display the installation path using the dbm_getpath DBM command:

    dbmcli dbm_getpath InstallationPath

    For more information, see Database Manager CLI, dbm_getpath.

    End of the note.


The following files are installed on your computer.


libSQLDBC is the runtime library libSQLDBC for executing programs that access SAP MaxDB databases. It contains the following libraries, which all run independently of each other:

  • Version-independent runtime library libSQLDBC.dll or (Unix and Linux)

  • Version-dependent runtime library libSQLDBC<version>.dll or libSQLDBC<version>.so (Unix and Linux)

    Example Example

    libSQLDBC76.dll for SAP MaxDB 7.6

    End of the example.
  • Runtime library libSQLDBC_C.dll for the support of native C applications


SQLDBC SDK is a software development kit for developing database applications and database interfaces for SAP MaxDB. It contains the following files:

  • Header file SQLDBC.h for C++

  • Header file SQLDBC_C.h for C

  • Static and dynamic link libraries for C and C++

The files are installed in the <installation_path>/sdk/sqldbc directory.


sqldbc_cons is the executable for writing SQLDBC traces.

More information: Using the SQLDBC Trace

More Information

SQLDBC Classes