Procedure documentationExample: Executing an SQL Statement and Reading the Result Set with a For Loop Locate this document in the navigation structure


In this example, you use the sql method (SapDB_Session class). You execute a SELECT statement that returns an object of the SapDB_ResultSet class as a result (result set) and read the data records of the result set in a for loop.


  1. Create a Python script with the following contents:

    Syntax Syntax

    1. #
      # Import Python modules
      # -------------------------------------------
      import sys
      import sdb.sql
      # Connect to the database
      # -------------------------------------------
      database_user = sys.argv [1]
      database_user_password = sys.argv [2]
      database_name = sys.argv [3]
      session = sdb.sql.connect (database_user, database_user_password, database_name)
      select = """
        SELECT * FROM"""
      # Execute a SELECT statement
      # Result: An object of the SapDB_ResultSet class
      # -----------------------------------------------
      cursor = session.sql (select)
      # You can use an object of the class SapDB_ResultSet in a for loop
      # in the same way as any other iterator.
      # -----------------------------------------------
      for row in cursor:
        hno, type, free, price = row
        print "%6d %s %d %6d" % (hno, type, free, price)
      # You can use a for statement to
      # execute an SQL statement and to group the result rows
      # in columns.
      # -------------------------------------------------
      for hno, type, free, price in session.sql (select):
        print "%6d %s %d %6d" % (hno, type, free, price)
      # Close connection to the database
      # --------------------------------------------
      session.release ()
    End of the code.
  2. Call the Python script:

    python MONA RED DEMODB


10 double 45 200

10 single 20 135

20 double 13 100

20 single 10 70

30 double 15 80

30 single 12 45
