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The kernel log file contains all messages from the kernel.

Kernel Log Files


File Name


File ID


Database Messages


Run directory of the database (see Run Directory).


Current kernel log file of the database, containing all kernel messages (error messages, warnings, and information)

This file is written in a pseudo-XML format.

The first part of the file contains messages of the database start into the operational state ADMIN: information about the software version, important paths and the current values of the database parameters. These messages are not be overwritten until the next database start, when the old version of the kernel log file is copied to the Database Messages (Old) file.

The second part of the file contains the messages that the database writes during operation. These messages will be overwritten cyclically. If the database crashes, a stack back trace is written.

See also Special Database Parameters KernelMessageFileSize and KernelMessageHistoryCount

Database Errors


Run directory of the database


Error messages and start messages of the kernel since installation

This file is written in a pseudo-XML format.

This file is not overwritten cyclically. If you are analyzing database problems and the Database Messages and Database Messages (Old) files do not contain the relevant information anymore, check the Database Errors file.

See also the special database parameter MaxKernelMessageArchiveSize

Database Messages (Old)


Run directory of the database


Last kernel log file (before the last restart)

This file is written in a pseudo-XML format.

Database Messages (Classic)


(generated from the KnlMsg file)

Run directory of the database


Classic form of the current database kernel log file

Database Dump


Run directory of the database

Depending on your system, this file may become very large. To change the location of the file, use the database parameter KernelDumpFileName, see Support Database Parameters.


In case of an emergency datatabase shutdown, the global memory of the database is dumped into this file (in binary format).

Note that on Unix, no dump file is written if the database crashes due to a Unix signal.

Runtime Environment Dump


Run directory of the database

To change the location of the file, use the support database parameter RTEDumpFileName.


In case of an emergency database shutdown, this file contains the tasks that were active in the database at the time of the emergency shutdown.

More Information

Database Administration, Log Files

Database Administration in CCMS, Kernel Messages