Background documentationUsing the Event Dispatcher Function Locate this document in the navigation structure


Standard events are always active and have fixed priorities. You can use these events by defining which actions the database system should execute for which events with which properties (see event_dispatcher).

For event categories

  • ThrowDBFillingAboveLimitEvent

  • ThrowDBFillingBelowLimitEvent

  • ThrowLogAboveLimitEvent

standard events are triggered in various situations, for example, for a fill level of 70 %, 75 %, and 80 %. You can define additional events, such as at 50 %, 65 %, for these event categories (see event_set). You can then either call up the system information about the occurrence of the event using a DBM command (see event_wait) or define which actions the database system should execute when the event occurs (see event_dispatcher).

Choose the appropriate topic:

Event-Controlled Sending of E-mails

Event-Controlled Copying of Automatically Created Log Backups