Syntax documentationSyntax Rules: Sorted Semantically Locate this document in the navigation structure

The syntax used for Loader commands is the Backus Naur Form (BNF). Each Loader command comprises one or more keywords, arguments and syntax rules. Blank characters are permitted in commands and are not interpreted by the Loader. The following conventions apply:

Syntax Notation



Keywords are shown in uppercase letters for the sake of clarity. They can be entered in uppercase or lowercase letters.

If you use keywords as names of columns, tables, or database users, you must place them in double quotation marks.


Terms in angle brackets are placeholders for end symbols explained in this document. Do not use angle brackets when entering a Loader statement.

These are user inputs. Note that you might have to place these entries in single quotation marks, if the syntax rule requires this. End symbols are numbers, characters, literals, or keywords and are not expanded further.

<! text !>

Texts enclosed in angled brackets and exclamation points indicate that the syntactical unit is explained by means of a text. Do not enter the angled brackets or exclamation points when specifying a Loader command.

rule ::= rule section

Rules are the building blocks of Loader commands. Rule sections describe how these building blocks are put together to form more complex clauses and also dictate the notation that is used.

A rule section is any combination of rules and end symbols.

rule1 rule2

The two rules are written one after the other, separated by at least one blank.


Optional rule. This rule can be omitted entirely. Do not enter the square brackets when specifying a command.

rule1 | rule2 | ... | rule<n>

Alternative rules. You can use exactly one of the rules.


The rule can be repeated as often as required. The individual repetitions must be written one after the other and separated by a comma and any number of blanks.

rule ...

The rule can be repeated as often as required. The individual repetitions must be written one after the other and separated by spaces.

The following overview lists the syntax rules required for the Loader commands, sorted semantically. The syntax rules can also be displayed alphabetically: Syntax Rules: Sorted Alphabetically. You will find a detailed description of the Loader commands in the Loader documentation. For examples of using syntax, see the Loader Tutorial.

Syntax Syntax

  1. <set_command>    ::= SET
                       | SET CSV '/<separator>/<delimiter>/'
                       | SET <null_spec>
                       | SET <bool_spec>
                       | SET <number_spec>
                       | SET FORMAT <standard_date_mask>
                       | SET DATE <standard_date_mask>
                       | SET TIME <standard_time_mask>
                       | SET TIMESTAMP <standard_timestamp_mask>
                       | SET CODETYPE <standard_code_spec>
                       | SET <code_page_spec>
                       | SET <isolation_level_spec>
                       | SET TRANSACTION SIZE <unsigned_integer>
                       | SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = <schema_name>
                       | SET MAXERRORCOUNT <unsigned_integer>
                       | SET CONFIGURATION <exclude_include>
                       | SET BACKUPTOOL <backup_tool_spec>
                       | SET LOGFILEPATH '<loader_log_file_path>' [DELETELOGFILE]
    <separator_spec> ::= SEPARATOR '<separator>'
    <separator>      ::= <character>
    <delimiter_spec> ::= DELIMITER '<delimiter>'
    <delimiter>      ::= <character>
    <null_spec>      ::= NULL '<literal>'
    <bool_spec>      ::= BOOLEAN '<true_value>/<false_value>'
    <true_value>     ::= <!  SET command  !>
    <false_value>    ::= <!  SET command  !>
    <date_spec>      ::= DATE <standard_date_mask> | DATE '<free_mask_date>'
    <time_spec>      ::= TIME <standard_time_mask> | TIME '<free_mask_time>'
    <timestamp_spec> ::= TIMESTAMP <standard_timestamp_mask> | TIMESTAMP '<free_mask_timestamp>'
    <standard_date_mask>      ::= EUR | INTERNAL | ISO | JIS | USA
    <standard_time_mask>      ::= EUR | INTERNAL | ISO | JIS | USA
    <standard_timestamp_mask> ::= EUR | INTERNAL | ISO | JIS | USA
    <free_mask_date>          ::= <!  Date specifications  !>
    <free_mask_time>          ::= <!  Time specifications  !>
    <free_mask_timestamp>     ::= <!  Time stamp specifications  !>
    <number_spec>             ::= DECIMAL '/[<digit_grouping_symbol>]/<decimal_symbol>/'
    <digit_grouping_symbol>   ::= <!  SET command  !>
    <decimal_symbol>          ::= <!  SET command  !>
    <int_spec>                ::= INTEGER HILO | INTEGER LOHI
    <lob_code_spec>           ::= <code_spec> | BINARY
    <code_spec>               ::= <standard_code_spec> | CODESET <literal>
    <standard_code_spec>      ::= ASCII | UCS2 | UTF8
    <code_page_spec>          ::= CODEPAGE [<literal>]
    <exclude_include>         ::= EXCLUDE | INCLUDE
    <backup_tool_spec>        ::= BACKINT | NETWORKER | TSM
    <sql_mode_command>        ::= SQLMODE <sql_mode>
    <sql_mode>                ::= INTERNAL | ANSI | DB2 | ORACLE
    <isolation_level_spec>    ::= ISOLATION LEVEL <unsigned_integer>
    <autocommit_command>      ::= AUTOCOMMIT ON | AUTOCOMMIT OFF
    <remark_command>          ::= REMARK "<literal>"
    <use_database_command>    ::= USE DB <database_spec>
    <use_user_command>        ::= USE USER <user_spec> [SCHEMA <schema_name>] 
                                  [DB <database_spec>] [<isolation_level_spec>]
    <use_schema_command>      ::= USE SCHEMA <schema_name>
    <use_schema_map_command>  ::= USE SCHEMAMAP <schema_map_name>
    <database_spec>           ::= <database_name> [ON <database_computer>
                                  [ENCRYPTION <protocol_name>]]
    <user_spec>               ::= <database_user> <password>
    <database_computer>       ::= <!  USE DB command  !>
    <database_name>           ::= <!  USE DB command  !>
    <protocol_name>           ::= <!  USE DB command  !>
    <database_user>           ::= <!  SQL Reference Manual  !>
    <password>                ::= <!  SQL Reference Manual  !>
    <schema_name>         ::= <identifier>
    <schema_map_name>     ::= <identifier>
    <table_name>          ::= [<schema_name>.]<identifier>
    <column_spec>         ::= <column_name> | <column_id>
    <column_name>         ::= <identifier>
    <column_id>           ::= <unsigned_integer>
    <column_function>     ::= TRUE | FALSE | DATE | TIME | TIMESTAMP | STAMP 
                            | USER | USERGROUP | <sequence_number>
    <sequence_number>     ::= SEQNO | SEQNO integer | SEQNO <integer> <integer>
    <field_spec>          ::= <unsigned_integer> | <unsigned_integer> - <unsigned_integer>
    <field_type>          ::= /* empty */ | CHAR | DECIMAL [<unsigned_integer>] 
                            | INTEGER | REAL | ZONED [<unsigned_integer>]
    <field_function>      ::= <field_type> [HEX] | <numerical_functions>
                            | <field_type> [HEX] <numerical_functions>
    <numerical_functions> ::= <scale_spec> | <round_or_trunc_spec>
                            | <scale_spec> <round_or_trunc_spec>
    <round_or_trunc_spec> ::= ROUND <unsigned_integer> | TRUNC <unsigned_integer>
    <scale_spec>          ::= SCALE <unsigned_integer>
    <map_column_field> ::= <column_name> <field_spec> <field_function> <null_assign>
    <map_field_column> ::= <column_name> <field_spec> <field_function>
    <map_schema_spec>  ::= MAP SCHEMA [<schema_map_name> | <schema_to_schema>,...]
    <schema_to_schema> ::= <schema_name> TO <schema_name>
    <null_assign>      ::= [IF] NULL SET '<literal>'
    <null_condition>   ::= NULL [IF] <condition> | DEFAULT NULL
    <if_condition>     ::= IF <condition>
    <condition>        ::= (<condition>) | <condition> AND <condition>
                         | <condition> OR <condition> | NOT <condition>
                         | <simple_condition>
    <simple_condition> ::= POS <field_spec> <field_type> [HEX] <compare_operator> '<literal>'
    <compare_operator> ::= < | > | = | <= | >= | !=
    <export_command>         ::= <export_db_command>
                               | <export_user_command>
                               | <export_schema_command>
                               | <export_table_command>
                               | <export_columns_command>
    <import_command>         ::= <import_db_command>
                               | <import_user_command>
                               | <import_schema_command>
                               | <import_table_command>
                               | <import_columns_command>
    <export_db_command>      ::= EXPORT DB
    <import_db_command>      ::= IMPORT DB
    <export_user_command>    ::= EXPORT USER
    <import_user_command>    ::= IMPORT USER
    <export_schema_command>  ::= EXPORT SCHEMA <schema_name>
    <import_schema_command>  ::= IMPORT SCHEMA <schema_name>
    <export_table_command>   ::= EXPORT TABLE <table_name>
    <import_table_command>   ::= IMPORT TABLE <table_name>
    <export_columns_command> ::= EXPORT COLUMNS <select_expression>
                                 [MAP COLUMNS <export_column_spec> ...] 
    <select_expression>      ::= <!  <select_statement> without key word SELECT  !>
    <export_column_spec>     ::= <map_column_field> | <field_assignment>
    <field_assignment>       ::= '<literal>' <field_spec>
    <import_columns_command> ::= IMPORT COLUMNS TABLE <table_name>
                                  <import_column_spec> ...
    <import_column_spec>     ::= <map_field_column> [<null_condition>] | <column_assignment>
    <column_assignment>      ::= <column_name> '<literal>' | <column_name> <column_function>
    <update_columns_command> ::= UPDATE COLUMNS TABLE <table_name>
                                  <update_column_spec> ... <set_column_spec> ... 
    <update_column_spec>     ::= <map_field_column> | <column_assignment>
    <set_column_spec>        ::= SET <import_column_spec>
    <order_clause>           ::= ORDER BY <column_name>,...
    <duplicates_clause>      ::= REJECT DUPLICATES | IGNORE DUPLICATES 
                               | UPDATE DUPLICATES
    <start_spec>             ::= START <unsigned_integer> [MAXROWS] 
                               | START <unsigned_integer> [MAXRECORDS] 
                               | START <unsigned_integer> <unsigned_integer>
    <restart_spec>           ::= RESTART <package_guid>
    <package_guid>           ::= <unsigned_integer>
    <catalog_data_outstream_part_spec>  ::= <catalog_outstream_spec>
                                          | <data_outstream_part_spec>
                                          | <catalog_outstream_spec> <data_outstream_part_spec>
    <catalog_data_instream_part_spec>   ::= <catalog_instream_spec>
                                          | <data_instream_part_spec>
                                          | <catalog_instream_spec data_instream_part_spec>
    <catalog_data_outstream_table_spec> ::= <catalog_outstream_spec>
                                          | <data_outstream_table_spec>
                                          | <catalog_outstream_spec> <data_outstream_table_spec>
    <catalog_data_instream_table_spec>  ::= <catalog_instream_spec>
                                          | <data_instream_table_spec>
                                          | <catalog_instream_spec> <data_instream_table_spec>
    <data_outstream_table_spec>         ::= <data_outstream_part_spec>
                                          | <data_outstream_column_spec>
    <data_instream_table_spec>          ::= <data_instream_part_spec>
                                          | <data_instream_columns_spec>
    <configuration_spec>          ::= CONFIGURATION <instream_csv_spec>
    <catalog_outstream_spec>      ::= CATALOG <outstream_ddl_spec>
    <catalog_instream_spec>       ::= CATALOG <instream_ddl_spec>
    <data_outstream_part_spec>    ::= DATA <outstream_tableformat_spec>
    <data_instream_part_spec>     ::= DATA <instream_tableformat_spec>
    <data_instream_columns_spec>  ::= DATA <instream_columnformat_spec>
                                      [<import_column_spec> ... <import_lobcolumn_spec> ...]
    <data_outstream_column_spec>  ::= DATA <outstream_columnformat_spec>
                                      [<export_lobcolumn_spec> ...]
    <data_instream_column_spec>   ::= DATA <instream_columnformat_spec>
                                      [<import_lobcolumn_spec> ...]
    <export_lobcolumn_spec>       ::= LOB <outstream_lob_spec>
    <import_lobcolumn_spec>       ::= LOB <instream_lob_spec>
    <package_spec>                ::= PACKAGE <outstream_csv_spec>
    <outstream_ddl_spec>          ::= OUTSTREAM [<mediumtype_spec>] '<stream_name>' [DDL]
    <instream_ddl_spec>           ::= INSTREAM [<mediumtype_spec>] '<stream_name>' [DDL]
    <outstream_tableformat_spec>  ::= OUTSTREAM [<mediumtype_spec>] '<stream_name>'
    <instream_tableformat_spec>   ::= INSTREAM [<mediumtype_spec>] '<stream_name>'
    <outstream_columnformat_spec> ::= OUTSTREAM [<mediumtype_spec>] '<stream_name>'
                                      [<column_dataformat_spec>] [<start_spec>]
    <instream_columnformat_spec>  ::= INSTREAM [<mediumtype_spec>] '<stream_name>'
                                      [<column_dataformat_spec>] [<start_spec>]
    <outstream_csv_spec>          ::= OUTSTREAM [<mediumtype_spec>] '<stream_name>'
                                      [CSV [<csv_format_spec> ...]] [<start_spec>]
    <instream_csv_spec>           ::= INSTREAM [<mediumtype_spec>] '<stream_name>'
                                      [CSV [<csv_format_spec> ...]] [<start_spec>]
    <outstream_fwv_spec>          ::= OUTSTREAM [<mediumtype_spec>] '<stream_name>'
                                      FWV [<fwv_format_spec> ...] [<start_spec>]
    <instream_fwv_spec>           ::= INSTREAM [<mediumtype_spec>] '<stream_name>'
                                      FWV [<fwv_format_spec> ...] [<start_spec>]
    <outstream_lob_spec>          ::= OUTSTREAM [FILE] <column_spec> '<stream_name>'
    <instream_lob_spec>           ::= INSTREAM [FILE] <column_spec> <lob_code_spec>
                                    | INSTREAM [FILE] <column_spec> '<stream_name>'
    <outstream_records_spec>      ::= OUTSTREAM [<mediumtype_spec>] '<stream_name>'
                                      RECORDS [<records_format_spec>]
    <instream_records_spec>       ::= INSTREAM [<mediumtype_spec>] '<stream_name>'
                                      RECORDS [<records_format_spec>]
    <outstream_pages_spec>        ::= OUTSTREAM [<mediumtype_spec>] '<stream_name>'
    <instream_pages_spec>         ::= INSTREAM [<mediumtype_spec>] '<stream_name>'
    <mediumtype_spec>             ::= FILE | PIPE | TAPE [<ebid_spec>]
    <ebid_spec>                   ::= EBID '<literal>'
    <stream_name>                 ::= <!  Data stream  !>
    <usage_spec>                  ::= RECORDS USAGE  
                                    | PAGE WITH <unsigned_integer> % USAGE
                                    | PAGE WITH <unsigned_integer> RECORDS USAGE
    <table_dataformat_spec>       ::= PAGES | RECORDS <records_format_spec>
    <column_dataformat_spec>      ::= CSV <csv_format_spec> ...
                                    | FWV [BINARY] <fwv_format_spec> ...
                                    | FWV BINARY <fwv_format_spec> ... <noheader_spec>
    <csv_format_spec>             ::= <separator_spec> | <delimiter_spec>
                                    | <null_spec> | <field_format_spec>
    <fwv_format_spec>             ::= <null_spec> | <int_spec> | <field_format_spec>
    <records_format_spec>         ::= <field_format_spec> ...
    <field_format_spec>           ::= <bool_spec> | <code_spec> | <date_spec>
                                    | number_spec | time_spec | timestamp_spec
    <noheader_spec>               ::= NOHEADER <unsigned_integer>
    <character>                   ::= <!  SQL Reference Manual  !>
    <identifier>                  ::= <!  SQL Reference Manual  !>
    <literal>                     ::= <!  SQL Reference Manual  !>
    <unsigned_integer>            ::= <!  SQL Reference Manual  !>
End of the code.