Background documentationparam_commitsession Locate this document in the navigation structure


You use this DBM command to confirm changes that you have made to database parameters and enter them in the database parameter file. Only execute this DBM command if you have successfully executed the DBM command for checking all database parameters.

You can enter an option to define if you would like the parameter session to remain open or to be closed once the changes have been confirmed.

The changed values in the parameter file are only effective after a restart of the database instance.



param_commitsession [NOCLOSE]





The parameter session remains open after the database parameters have been saved.



Reply in the Event of an Error

ERR 14,ERR_XPCHECK_CN00 : param check failure/request <parameter_name> <check_status> <user_value> <computed_value>

Values for the Reply Fields




Name of the database parameter


Check result

Possible values are:

mandatory | constraint

mandatory: An obligatory database parameter has been assigned an empty value.

constraint: A condition defined in the default parameter file was not fulfilled.


Value defined by the user for the database parameter


Default value calculated by the system

More Information

Database Manager CLI Tutorial, Changing the Values of Multiple Database Parameters

Database Administration, Database Parameters