Entering content frame

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Example: HelloMaxDB Locate the document in the library structure

The following example shows the source text of the Java class HelloMaxDB.

The individual steps are listed in the comments in the example.




import java.sql.*;


public class HelloMaxDB


       public static void main(String[] args)

    throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException


        String username = "MONA";

        String password = "RED";

        String host = "";

        String dbname = "DEMODB";



         * Load JDBC Driver


        Class.forName ("com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.DriverSapDB");



         * Define Connection URL


        String url = "jdbc:sapdb://" + host + "/" + dbname;



         * Connect to the Database Instance


        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection (url, username, password);



         * Execute SQL Statements


        Statement stmt = connection.createStatement ();

        ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery ("SELECT * FROM HOTEL.CUSTOMER");

        resultSet.next ();

        String hello = resultSet.getString (1);

        System.out.println (hello);



         * close all objects


        resultSet.close ();


        connection.close ();




Leaving content frame