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Component documentation Web Based Problem Tracking System Locate the document in the library structure


The Web-Based Problem Tracking System (Web PTS) is a Web interface for the internal MaxDB program PTS, which is used for documenting problem messages for the MaxDB database software. You access Web PTS using a web browser (see System Requirements).

Implementation Notes

You can access Web PTS at www.sapdb.org/webpts


How Web PTS Works



You can use Web PTS to obtain read-only access to the problem messages recorded in the MaxDB-internal PTS program. 


An external developer, such as a member of the Open Source Community, sends a problem message to the MaxDB development team. This is recorded in the internal PTS program. The URL of this problem message is then sent to the external developer. This allows the external developer to trace the processing status at any time and find out which change is to be included in which database version.


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