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This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Executing DBM Commands and Handling Errors Locate the document in the library structure

In this example you use the cmd method and the class DBMServError of the sdb.dbm module. You execute an incorrect DBM command and handle the error.



       1.      Create a Python script sample.py with the following contents:

# Import Python modules

# ----------------------------

import sys

import sdb.dbm


# Parse call arguments

# --------------------------

dbm_operator = sys.argv [1]

dbm_operator_password = sys.argv [2]

database_name = sys.argv [3]


# Call the Database Manager and log on to a database instance

# ------------------------------------------------------

session = sdb.dbm.DBM ('', database_name, '', dbm_operator + ',' + dbm_operator_password)

# Execute incorrect DBM command

for cmd in ['db_state', 'invalid_command']:


    result = session.cmd (cmd)

# Display result

    print cmd + ': OK ', repr (result)

  except sdb.dbm.DBMServError, err:

# Display error message

    print cmd + ': ERR', err.errorCode, err.message

       2.      Call the Python script:

python sample.py DBADMIN SECRET DEMODB

db_state: OK  'State\nONLINE\n'

my_invalid_command: ERR -24977 Unknown DBM command "inval

See also:

Examples for the sdb.dbm Module


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