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Background documentation How the Database Manager CLI Works Locate the document in the library structure

The Database Manager CLI is the client program of the Database Manager. With this program you connect to the DBM server on the computer on which  you want to create a new database instance or manage an existing database instance.

When you create a database instance, you define the very first user of the database instance. This user is called the first DBM operator.

Initially, only this operator can log on to the new database instance using the Database Manager. During the configuration of a new database instance, you define the database system administrator.

The first DBM operator and the database system administrator can log on to all database tools. They have the most comprehensive authorizations for working with the database instance. You can then use DBM commands and DBM options to create database users and, if required, more DBM operators for this database instance.

Only the database system administrator and DBM operators can log on to the Database Manager to use DBM commands to manage the database instances for which they were created.

To be able to execute DBM commands, the respective user must have the necessary server authorizations. The first DBM operator and the database system administrator have all server authorizations.

To execute DBM commands, the current database instance must be in the ONLINE operational state. Exceptions to this rule are explicitly specified in the prerequisites for executing a DBM command.

Calling up the Database Manager CLI is equivalent to opening a session. Once the specified DBM command has been processed, the system closes the session with the Database Manager. If you want to execute a series of multiple DBM commands, you call the Database Manager CLI in session mode.

See also:

Database Administration Tutorial, Structure linkOperating Modes in the Database Manager CLI

Concepts of the Database System, Structure linkUsers, Authentication and Authorizations


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