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This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Displaying Information about the Database Instance Locate the document in the library structure



The following sections describe how you can call up XCON directly in the command line. However, we recommend not calling XCONS directly in the command line but always via the Database Manager CLI or CCMS. In this way, you avoid problems with access rights to Unix/Linux, amongst other things.


Database Manager CLI, show

     Database Administration in CCMS, Structure linkDatabase Console (only in SAP systems)


x_cons <database_name> <command> [<interval> [<repeat>]]


XCONS command


Time between repetitions of the same command. If you do not specify an <interval>, the command is executed once.


Number of times the command is repeated. If you specify an <interval> but no <repeat>, the command is repeated an unlimited number of times.

XCONS Commands

affinity <uktindex>

Note that this command was designed for development tasks and for this reason should not be used in production operation. Only use this command if requested to do so by Support.

This command allows the user kernel thread with the index uktindex to be bound to one processor.

cancel <taskindex>

Cancels the command that has just been executed by the task with the index <taskindex>


Analyzes the page cache. The results are written to the core log file (see Concepts of the Database System, Structure linkLog Files).

kill <taskindex>

Ends the session of the task with the index <taskindex>


Releases the page cache

procmask <procmask>

Note that this command was designed for development tasks and for this reason should not be used in production operation. Only use this command if requested to do so by Support.

For Microsoft Windows only. User kernel threads are permanently bound to individual processors.

show active [dw | sv | us | gc]

Shows statistics for active tasks.

You can also show the statistics for specific task groups only: DW (data writer=pager), SV (server task), US (user task), GC (garbage collector).

show aio

Only for backups; shows volume access statistics

show all

Shows all available information and statistics

show io

Shows volume access statistics

show moveinfo

Only for load balancing; shows history and how tasks are currently moving between user kernel threads

show queues

Shows queues

show regions

Shows information about the critical regions

show rte

Shows information about the runtime environment (threads, and so on)

show runnable [dw | sv | us | gc]

Shows information about runnable tasks; can also be used for specific task groups only

show sleep

Shows statistics that indicate how long the individual user kernel threads were suspended

show state

Displaying the operational state of the database instance

In addition to the operational states, intermediate statuses are also displayed here. These are short-term statuses occupied by the database instance when moving between two operational states such as: STARTING, SHUTDOWN, SHUTDOWNREINIT, SHUTDOWNKILL, STOP, KILL, ABORT, UNKNOWN

show storage

Shows the memory utilization. On Microsoft Windows, the task stack is also displayed.

show suspends

Shows the reasons why tasks that are currently suspended have been suspended

show t_cnt [dw | sv | us | gc | <taskindex>]

Displays detailed information about all tasks in a specific task group or about the task with the index <taskindex>

show t_move

Only for load balancing; indicates whether tasks can currently be moved from one user kernel thread to another

show t_queue

Shows task queues

show t_reg

Shows semaphores (use of critical regions by the tasks)

show t_stat

Shows task statistics

show tasks

Shows statistics for all tasks

show thrd_times

For Microsoft Windows only. Shows how much processor time the threads have used

show tstack

UNIX/Linux only:

Overview of the current task stack consumption and the location of the task stack in the virtual address space of the kernel process.

show versions

Shows the version of the database kernel and the runtime environment

time <enable | disable>

Activates the internal time measurement function. Note that this can have a negative effect on the performance of your system.


Flushes the trace file


In Microsoft Windows, show all active tasks of database instance DEMODB and repeat the command 10 times at intervals of 1 second.

x_cons DEMODB show active 1 10

Display help for all XCONS commands:

x_cons DEMODB help

See also:

Concepts of the Database System, Structure linkOverview of Tasks


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