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Procedure documentation Using Session Mode Locate the document in the library structure


If you want to execute DBM commands that require a database session or a service session, you have to use the Database Manager in session mode or script mode.

We further recommend that you work in session mode when you want to execute actions that require a succession of DBM commands.

If you want to create a complete data backup of the database instance, you first have to open a database session. To execute the backup operation, you need a suitable backup template.

See also:

Defining a Backup Template for Complete Data Backup to a File

Using Script Mode


You want to back up the database instance DEMODB using the backup template DemoDataCompl.



       1.      Call the Database Manager CLI in session mode, log on as operator OLEG with the password MONDAY, connect to the database instance DEMODB:

>dbmcli –u OLEG,MONDAY –d DEMODB

dbmcli on DEMODB>

       2.      Open a database session:

dbmcli on DEMODB>db_connect


       3.      Start a data backup using the backup template DemoDataCompl:

dbmcli on DEMODB>backup_start DemoDataCompl


Returncode              0

Date                    20051229

Time                    00104810

Server                  GENUA

Database                DEMODB

Kernel Version          Kernel    7.6.00   Build 016-123-109-428

Pages Transferred       384

Pages Left              0

Volumes                 1

Medianame               DemoDataCompl

Location                Backups 2005\Data\completeDataJan


Label                   DAT_000000003

Is Consistent           true

First LOG Page          15939

Last LOG Page

DB Stamp 1 Date         20051229

DB Stamp 1 Time         00104809

DB Stamp 2 Date

DB Stamp 2 Time

Page Count              365

Devices Used            1

Database ID             GENUA:DEMODB_20051201_111620

Max Used Data Page      0



dbmcli on DEMODB>

Other Examples:

Creating and Configuring a Database Instance

Restoring the Database Instance


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