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Procedure documentation state Locate the document in the library structure


You show the status of all event dispatchers belonging to a database instance.


DBM operators with the following properties can use the state command:

     server authorization EvtDispAdmin. These DBM operators receive a list of all event dispatchers for the database instance.

     server authorization EvtDispUse. These DBM operators receive a list of event dispatchers started under their user name.


dbmevtdisp state <database_authentication>

<database_authentication> :: = -d <database_name> <user_authentication> [-n <database_computer> [-e SSL]]

<user_authentication> :: = -u <user_data> |-U <user_key>

<user_data> :: = <dbm_operator>,<dbm_operator_password>




Name of the database instance monitored


Name of the database computer


Encryption method

See Database Manager CLI, -e: Activate Encryption



See Utilities, XUSER


DBM user data that is used by the event dispatcher to log on to the database instance to be monitored

See Database Manager CLI, user_logon


Instance ID <instance_ID_1>
   user: <dbm_user_name_1>
   host: <database_computer_1>
   configuration file: <configuration_file_1>
   log file: <log_file_1>
Instance ID <instance_ID_n>
   user: <dbm_user_name_n>
   host: <database_computer_n>
   configuration file: <configuration_file_n>
   log file: <log_file_n>




ID of event dispatcher n


DBM operator that started event dispatcher n


Database computer on which event dispatcher n is running


Configuration file used by event dispatcher n


Log file used by event dispatcher n


The DBM operator OLEG with the password MONDAY display the event dispatcher for database instance DEMODB on the local computer.

>dbmevtdisp state -d DEMODB -u OLEG,MONDAY

Instance ID 1
        user: OLEG
        host: PARMA
        configuration file: testconfig.cfg
        log file: mylog.log
Instance ID 0
        user: DBADMIN
        host: GENUA
        configuration file: ed.cfg
        log file: ed.log

The following event dispatchers are currently running for database instance DEMODB.

     Event dispatcher with ID 1

     Started by DBM user OLEG on computer PARMA

     Configuration file testconfig.cfg

     Log file mylog.log

     Event dispatcher with ID 0

     Started by DBM user OLEG on computer GENUA

     Configuration file ed.cfg

     Log file ed.log

See also:

Overview of Event Dispatcher Commands


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