Entering content frame

 Procedure documentation Saving a Result Locate the document in the library structure


In the Structure linkSQL mode INTERNAL, you can save the complete result of a database query as a text file, or export it to Microsoft Excel. You can save individual cells as a text file, or display them in a separate zoom window.


·         To save the complete result table as a text file, choose Export Result to  ® File in the context menu for the result.
Depending on your user settings, the content of the result table is attached to the existing file content, or a new file content is generated.
When SQL Studio saves the result, it separates the columns with tabs, and the rows with line breaks. Column contents with the datatype CHARACTER or LONG are cut off after 16 characters. Characters that cannot be displayed are replaced by blanks.

·         To export the complete result table to Microsoft Excel, choose Export Result to  ® Excel in the context menu for the result.
Microsoft Excel opens automatically, and transfers a maximum of 1024 bytes per cell. Data with type CHARACTER are cut off after 1021 bytes.

·         To save a cell as a text file, choose Export Cell to  ® File.
Depending on your user settings, the content of the result table is attached to the existing file content, or a new file content is generated.

·         To display a cell in a separate zoom window, choose Export Cell to  ® Zoom Window.In the user settings you can decide how many bytes are displayed in the zoom window.


Exporting and/or displaying the contents of cells is particularly helpful for column contents that have data type LONG.


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